Social Work


This assignment requires you to (1) select and research an intervention therapy utilized in social work practice (It can NOT be one of the interventions featured in class, e.g., Motivational Interviewing, Case Management, or Solution-Focused Therapy) and (2) write a 4-6 page* paper (*not including cover page/references) that presents information in the following five content areas:

Please address everything in each section :
1. Intervention Overview
• Please provide a brief overview of the intervention and the problems/issues it was designed to address.
• Please identify who developed the intervention noting their professional backgrounds and when it was developed.
• Describe any contextual factors that lead to the development of the intervention (e.g., social event; important scientific discovery; realization based on personal or practice-based experience, etc.).
IMPORTANT – describe the theory or theories that guide the intervention. This could be a theory(ies) that attempt to explain why a problem that the intervention is attempting to treat exists and/or a theory(ies) that directs a social worker to the best ways to treat a certain problem. Cite sources to support your statements throughout this section.

2. Intervention Strategies
• Identify and define important concepts, principles, and/or value tenets associated with the chosen intervention.
• If relevant, identify any objects or materials needed to conduct this intervention and the typical length of the intervention (e.g., short term/long term, approximate number of sessions).
• Walk the reader through the specific steps and strategies a social worker would undertake when using this intervention and how this might change overtime.
• Please mention several sources that speak to whether or not this intervention is evidence-based and/or practice-based (e.g., cite recent literature and research that suggests whether the intervention was found to be helpful for some clients).

3. Client Fit
• Referring to available literature, identify the client groups the intervention works well with and those client groups the intervention may not be an ideal fit for.
• Please back up your statements with relevant citations that refer specifically to whom it has shown to work and those whom it was shown not to help.

4. Cultural Attunement ( the link for this section is

• Based on your research into this particular intervention, would you say it is applicable to diverse populations of the Southwest, including Black and Indigenous peoples, diverse Latinx groups, LGBTQ+ persons and/or persons with disabilities (to name a few)?
• Please back up your statements with citations from actual research examining the intervention’s effectiveness with marginalized groups.
• Critique the intervention from an anti-racist lens Links to an external site. and identify specific ways you would tailor the intervention to make it more culturally attuned.

5. Summary
• Please provide a summary of the overall strengths and noted limitations of the intervention you researched.
• Using “I” statements, describe how researching and reporting on this intervention enhanced your own professional development.
• How will you continue on your journey to develop further understanding and cultural attunement using this particular intervention?