Social Issues Case Study

Topic 1: Social Issues
After reading the “Mock Community” case study, list the social issues this community is dealing with. Describe the target population and characteristics of this population (racial/ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic status, age, etc.).
The target population mainly speaks of Hispanics, who are part of the minority in society. Most Hispanics are categorized as minorities because of their challenges and various issues. In the mock case study, the target population goes through the following issues; immigration legal services, job skills, employment assistance, medical insurance access, domestic violence, and economic assistance, additionally the community faces challenges in the education sector, where the majority go to local elementary schools due to the inability of affording sufficient funds to take them to private schools.
Using the Risk and Protective Factors page on the Community Toolbox website, describe the risk and protective factors in the “Mock Community” that might contribute to the social issues presented in this case study. (50-75 words)
A social issue prevalent in the mock community is the lack of supervision where most students are bound to get detention, especially when they aren’t supervised. This case mainly occurs when most students are detained because of their behaviors and a lack of the basic needs essential in the community. Additionally, most students are bound to skip school because they struggle with the inability to find funds for fees in the school.

What are the unique characteristics of the community in the case study? (30-50 words)
The Mock community is mostly the minority; hence, they are facing significant challenges. In the case study, the community is facing unemployment, contributing to their economic struggle. Therefore, most of the children in such families face issues regarding the basic needs that change their behaviors.

Describe any resources available for the target population presented in the mock community. Are they easily accessible? Explain whether or not there is a resource gap. (50-75 words)
The government is ensuring the community has equivalent resources through the implementation of social workers who are ensuring the community is receiving sufficient utilities that will exclude them from participating in crime. These resources cover the basic needs that restrict them from attending school. Additionally, these needs ensure the education of school dropouts. Another facility that is taken care of is the provision of translators who will communicate with them as they learn the language. This allows them to listen to the teachers via the school’s earphones.

Explain whether or not the community recognizes the social issues and the need for programs or resources that address these social issues. (50-75 words)
The community recognizes the social issues by assisting organizations catering to the student’s needs. School supplies are often offered to these students as they cater to their basic needs, such as food. Additionally, the government is catering to the necessities to ensure that they are not participating in petty crimes that may land them in jail.

Assessing Your Selected Community
First, describe the social issue you have selected for your proposal. (20-30 words)
The social issues that will be evaluated in the proposal are the minorities facing minimum wage. This will be the case study according to the minimum wage they receive, which is the biggest challenge with them getting enough money to cater to their needs.
Explain which level of analysis you have selected and why. (30-40 words)
• A client case study (micro level)
The case study will deal with the client-level case study because the minimum wage issue is prevalent in society, especially in the minority groups where they face discrimination and segregation (Romich & Hill, 2018).
• Program proposal (macro level)

• Project proposal (mezzo level)
Describe the target population/client affected by your selected social issue. (20-30 words)
The main affected people are the minorities who often experience socioeconomic challenges which affects their income. Due to unemployment and minimum wage the Hispanic communities are forced to experience challenges like in terms of level of education they take their children to and some even experience domestic violence, which results in adverse consequences.
Next, use the Strategic Prevention Framework in the Community Toolbox website, to guide you in assessing your community.
Although you will not be able to utilize all the information presented in the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), you will be able to use it as a guide. Summarize the first step (in the Community Toolbox website) in the Strategic Prevention Framework (40-50 words).
The information in the community toolbox website is helpful in the identification of strategies that will address the social issue, especially in the identification of the community. In this case, the first step will allow me to select a specific study group; through selective random sampling, I will be able to identify and select the target population.
How will you utilize this information when planning your proposal? (40-50 words)
This information is pivotal in my study since it will assist me in choosing the participants for the study. Subsequently, it reduces the biases in the selection, making the study valid.

Next, access and review your county public health website. Review existing prevention programs and resources that address your selected social issue. List possible prevention or evidence-based treatment strategies for target populations/clients dealing with the social issue you have selected. (30-50 words)
Prevention strategies that will be applicable for the study are offering government assistance to help reduce poverty levels in society, for example, providing funds to assist them in dealing with the poverty levels (Feriyanto et al., 2020). This can be done by delivering subsidized insurance that will allow them to cater to their needs.
Explain the social issues your community deals with. Using the Risk and Protective Factors information in the Community Toolbox website, describe what risk factors might be driving patterns and behaviors related to your community and your selected social issue. What are some of the protective factors that might reduce the effects of the risk factors? (100-150 words)
The primary issue in this target population will be economic challenges which will be catered to using government grants and well-wishing donors. The significant risk factor that will be encountered is the relapse in terms of crimes in the target population, which will make them get arrested and affect their families. Additionally, they are susceptible in increased violence that will affect security hence receiving jobs and grants regulates the impacts of the unemployment and violence that is based in the society. The minimization of the risk factors will prevent socioeconomic challenges that are prevalent in the target population today.
Access and read the “Community Profiles” article by Henderson et al. (2012). Explain how the authors used neighborhood profile data to conduct their community assessment. (150-200 words)
Neighborhood profiling is prevalent in the article because most low-income families are in a particular region. In this case, most of them stay in insecure places, which is a more significant contributor to their being influenced by gang-related issues. Additionally, this impact makes them indulge in crime at a high rate. Neighborhoods influence behavior, and most indulge in antagonistic behaviors, increasing the crime rates in society.

Feriyanto, N., El Aiyubbi, D., & Nurdany, A. (2020). The Impact of Unemployment, Minimum Wage, and Real Gross Regional Domestic Product on Poverty Reduction in Provinces of Indonesia. Asian Economic And Financial Review, 10(10), 1088-1099.
Romich, J., & Hill, H. (2018). Coupling a Federal Minimum Wage Hike with Public Investments to Make Work Pay and Reduce Poverty. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal Of The Social Sciences, 4(3), 22.