Semiotics Essay: Media & Communication

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Assignment 1

1000 word essay

Assignment brief

Provide a semiotic analysis of the photograph below. Your discussion should take into account issues such as signifier, signified, denotation, connotation, paradigm, syntagm, myth and any other element of the photograph as a combination of signs that you find significant. You do not need to explain these terms or to offer definitions, rather, you need to use them correctly and with confidence as the object of the analysis is to find out the kinds of meaning this photograph conveys. If you want to do some research on the mythologies you will talk about and use your reading to support your analysis, please feel free to do so but make sure that you acknowledge all your sources according to the Harvard Reference System (introduced in week 1). But you DON’T have to include references or do background reading for this assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to use your analytical skills and to apply a particular methodological approach to the study of an image and not to do research. Finally, please ensure that your essay follows the academic essay conventions



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Grading Criteria for Semiotics Essay (assignment 1 – 15%)

Learning outcome 1 Understand the role still and moving images play in mass communications along with the ideological implications they have for media messages.
1st class


An exceptional piece of work which achieves all of the relevant criteria listed in the 70-79% range at the very highest levels will be awarded a mark in this band.
1st class


Excellent understanding of the concept of semiotics and the vocabulary associated with it; extremely confident application of the appropriate terminology without the presence of any mistakes that provides a crystal clear analytical account of the object of study; demonstrates unequivocally the relationship between representation and ideology; very strong evidence of fluid academic writing style and clear and creative use of academic writing conventions (extremely coherent thought that develops logically from paragraph to paragraph; extremely clear statement of argument); no mistakes and/or typos; very fluid and eloquent use of language: a real pleasure to read


Very good understanding of the concept of semiotics and the vocabulary associated with it; confident application of the appropriate terminology without mistakes that provides a clear analytical account of the object of study; very clear understanding and of the relationship between representation and ideology (argued very clearly); strong evidence of fluid writing in an academic style and clear use of academic writing conventions (evidence of a clear, logical structure; ideas are logically developed and linked with other ideas in the essay, very clear statement of arguments; minimal language mistakes and/or typos


Good understanding of the concept of semiotics and the vocabulary associated with it; confident application of key theoretical terms to the object of study without serious mistakes in the use of the terms (minimal description and evidence of appropriate analysis demonstrated); satisfactory understanding of the relationship between representation and ideology (mostly clear connections made); academic writing conventions have been utilised to a substantial extent (clear evidence of coherent structure, of organisation of ideas, of building an argument); very few language mistakes and/or typos

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