Self Assessment

Please write a minimum of two (2) page papers in response to the following self-assessment questions. For both of these self-assessment papers think
about yourself being the social worker for the GIM assignment and what that felt like for you. Think critically! One or two sentence answers will not meet the
expectations of these assignments. You must come up with unique answers for each question. For this paper, make all of your answers specific to
interventions, evaluation, termination, and follow-up with clients. Do not repeat any answers from your first paper. Any repeat answers will receive a 0 for the
assignment. Each question is worth 15 points.
The assignment should be emailed to the professor in a word document or uploaded in Blackboard by the start of class time on the due date.
A. What did you learn about yourself as a social worker in applying the generalist intervention model in planning an intervention with a client? (This is a selfassessment of your learning of your knowledge, skills, and values.) Be specific.
B. What strengths and personality traits do you already have that will make it easier for you to be a social worker? What was easy for you in being the social
worker in this case? In other words, what came naturally for you as a social worker? Do not tell me what made you good at writing the assignment. Tell me
about being a social worker.
C. What personality traits challenges and weaknesses about yourself made it harder for you to be a social worker? How could these traits negatively impact
your client? What do you need to improve on to be a good social worker? What are you going to do about it? Do NOT tell me that you need more experience or
more knowledge of resources – this is assumed to be the case for all of you. Tell me specifically what YOU were NOT good at.
D. What biases did you learn that you have while practicing being a social worker in this scenario or that you already knew about yourself or that you learned
about in this class? How do you think you can plan to address these biases and judgments? Remember that biases are our initial gut reaction to situations
that occur regardless of whether we actually believe those thoughts or not.
Based on these 2 cases which are the same people and as generalist social work what have I learned as a self-assessment?