Safety And Health In My Personal World

Safety And Health In My Personal World

A Photographic Essay

By: [Insert Full Name Here, Remove Brackets And Highlighted Instructions]

[ Please Read These Instructions:

Create a four to five page photo essay. You have two or three photos per page for a total of ten photos. Again, there are 10 images total! Use this sheet’s title and by line as the beginning of your photo essay.

O.K. Here are the details: Directly under each photo complete a caption, i.e. location, date, etc. Then insert a blank line space and using four well written sentences that are grammatically correct and without misspelling any words, write a short description of what the picture above indicates.

Please response to these four items specifically:

1. What the safety or health challenge is, or was, and

2. What you did to remediate that challenge to make your personal safer or healthier.

3. Describe and elaborate on the actions you took and why you feel it is important

4. Explain how this image relates to other images in your essay.

Present the photos in a sequence that takes the viewer on your journey. Help the viewer learn what you learned! If in doubt, have a friend fellow student, or family member view your photo essay and see if it makes sense to them.

Remember, you are creating a photo essay using 10 images presented in four to five pages that tells a story about what you did to make your personal world healthier and safer.

And remember, it must be done in a way that someone else can easily understand.

As always, when you are complete, update your Eportfolio by adding this photo essay to your ‘Individual Assignments’, save it, back up your updated Eportfolio, and do a secondary backup by sending a copy to yourself via at least one email.

Have Fun! Be Safe! Do Good!

Delete these italicized instructions, and all the bracketed text, when you are done!]