I need a essay on baptism sacrament. 750 words on catholic church structure of baptism . 750 words includes structure, origins and relevance today of baptism from a catholic perspective. 750 words on eucharist on catholic church. Includes structure, origins and relevance today of eucharist on catholic perspective. Include these sources: Beguerie, P & Duchesneau, C. (1997) How to understand the Sacraments. London: SCM Balthasar, H.U von. (1990) Mysterium Paschale. San Francisco: Ignatius Press Haffner, P. (1999) The Sacramental Mystery. London: Gracewing Hughes, K.(1999) A mystagogy of sacrament. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications Kelly, L. (1999) Sacraments revisited. London: Darton, Longman and Todd Macquarrie, J. (1997) A guide to the Sacraments. London: SCM Press The New Jerusalem Bible. (1995) London: Darton, Longman and Todd Flannery, Austin, O.P. (1996) Documents of Vatican II. Dublin: Dominican Publications John Paul II. (1983) Code of Canon Law. London: Collins John Paul II. (1999) Catechism of the Catholic Church. London: Geoffrey Chapman Also been advised to keep it simple. Only talk on the catholic church not about other religions. I dont need a introduction just straight into writing.