Rider of the Sea – Costume Designer

Rider of the Sea – Costume Designer

Please submit your Play Proposal Project according to the Play Proposal Project Instructions, found in the module titled PLAY PROPOSAL PROJECT.

We use TurnItIn for this assignment to detect AI and plagiarism, so when you turn in your assignment, it will go to an external tool. Just follow the prompts and submit your document.

Don’t forget a bibliography and lots of images! This project is due December 10th.

Play Proposal Project – 100 pts
Play Proposal Project – 100 pts
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
[27-30pts]: Minimal to no errors in the written portion. An organized, easy to read proposal complete with pictures, bulleted lists, and an overall strong visual component. A “professional” looking proposal. [24-26pts]: Minimal to no errors in the written portion. Visual component is present but unclear. Proposal may be somewhat disorganized or lacks professionalism. [21-23 pts]: A fair amount of errors in the written portion. Visual component is missing. Disorganized and unprofessional. Unclear to read. [18-20pts]: Many errors in the written portion. Word count is largely unmet. No visual component. Disorganized, unprofessional, and difficult to follow or understand. [0-17pts]: Many errors, no visual component, proposal is short and incomplete. Difficult or impossible to read and understand. Basic instructions of the assignment are not followed.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of the Play
[27-30pts]: A well-researched proposal, with thorough analysis, demonstrating in-depth understanding of the drama. All ideas are “fleshed out” and “unpacked,” being carefully and fully analyzed. Bibliography contains academic-quality sources and all citations follow MLA format. [24-26pts]: A good basic understanding of the play. Some research is done using academic-quality sources. Analysis is good, but lacks completion. Student presents ideas but doesn’t unpack them or explore them fully. [21-23pts]: Lacks basic understanding of the play, or misses important themes. Minimal to no research is done, or sources are not academic quality. Ideas are minimally presented and left unexplained. [18-20pts]: Clear misunderstanding of the play, or demonstrates that the play hasn’t been read at all. Minimal to no research, lacks good sources and poorly cites them. Ideas are barely presented and not explained. [0-17pts]: Clear misunderstanding of the play, or demonstrates that the play hasn’t been read at all. No research, no sources, no citations. Ideas are barely presented and not explained.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreative Concept
[36-40pts]: Student demonstrates excellent understanding of his/her role as Director, Actor, or Designer. Concept may be traditional or stylized, but all choices are strong, creative, justified, and intentional. Concept is grounded in the text, research, and history. Gives adequate detail and explanation, demonstrating that the interpretation is intentional and specific. This proposal leaves a clear understanding of what this play would look on stage and how the themes would be represented onstage, through the work of your particular role. Student explains clearly how his/her design concepts or acting choices relate to the character and/or to the play and its themes. [32-35pts]: Student demonstrates acceptable understanding of his/her role as Director, Actor, or Designer. Choices are moderate in strength, creativity, justification, and/or intentionality. Research is present, but minimal. Gives a moderate amount of detail and explanation. Intentionality of the interpretation may be unclear. A basic understanding of what the play looks like onstage is given, though detail and explanation is minimal. [28-31 pts]: Understanding of role as Director, Actor, or Designer is unclear. The concept and interpretation is difficult to understand. Choices and interpretation are unclear and lack intentionality. Little to no research is evidenced, and little to no detail or explanation is given. Student does not give a clear picture of what the concept will look like onstage. [24-27pts]: Does not understand the role of Director, Designer, or Actor. No concept or interpretation is presented. No choices are presented or explained. Research has clearly not been done, and little to no detail or explanation is given. Student clearly does not know what his/her concept will look like onstage. [0-23pts]: Does not understand the role of Director, Designer, or Actor. No concept or interpretation is presented. No choices are presented or explained. Research has clearly not been done, and little to no detail or explanation is given. Student clearly does not know what his/her concept will look like onstage.
40 pts
Total Points: 100