Respiratory System.

For this written assignment, use a concept map to describe the Respiratory System. You can look at describing Diabetes or thyroid disease (hypo or hyper). The concept map is a method to teach critical thinking skills and prepare you to apply nursing theory to the clinical setting.

You may also do TWO medications associated with respiratory diseases. If you chose to do a medication, please do 1 map for each drug.

Step 1: Start with the main concept map topic.
Patient care plan: This patient care plan topic covers anything deemed relevant to patient care, from past medical history to risk factors. The intended purpose is to equip nurses with every piece of information that could aid in devising the right care plan for the patient.
Medical diagnosis: Medical diagnosis maps dive into any element that pertains to the diagnosis of the disease. This includes risk factors, symptoms, medications, complications, and interventions.
SBAR: This acronym stands for situation, background, assessment, and recommendation. SBAR concept maps represent all the information nurses need to ensure smooth communication between them and doctors.
Nursing responsibilities: Nursing teams also use concept maps to delineate tasks and duties. For instance, the tasks expected from a surgical nurse will be specifically illustrated on the map. In this case, elements like prevention of infection, behavior response, and post-up care might be grouped around the main topic.
Step 2: Determine secondary subsections.
Once you’ve picked your main topic, the next step is grouping a set of subsections around it. Using a patient care plan map as our example, the elements below can be used as secondary subsections for the topic:

Diagnostic process
Current patient history
Risk factors
Patient info
Past medical history
Medication list