A good proposal should have the following basic elements, though their order and weighting can of course vary: • A working title: Make this clear and descriptive • Some background and rationale o Explain the background and issues of your research o What are your aims and objectives? o What are the parameters? Explain why you have chosen them? • Clear and defined research question (s). o Your question needs to be answerable within a set timeframe • A description of your theoretical framework and methodological approach. o Why is this best suited to your topic? o What are the theoretical and research issues related to your research question? o What sources / data will you use? o What are the activities necessary for the completion of your project? o Will you need to collaborate with other researchers or organisations? o Are there ethical considerations that need to be considered? o How realistic is your project in practical terms? • An brief analytic discussion of the scholarly research to date on your topic. o What is the current state of your field? o Acknowledge the main contributors in this field o In what ways will your research create valuable and useful knowledge? • A brief statement on your particular qualifications. o Have your previous degrees given you the necessary knowledge of the field, discipline, and methodologies you require? o What research training will you need to undertake? • Do you hope to publish your research, if so where?