Research Project

A major project is required that will represent a culmination of your learning applied to an area of your God-given passion and calling. This can be a paper, however, I encourage creativity and expression in various formats.

See page to for the full assignment details

This project is worth 30% of your course grade. It is obviously important and will warrant you taking sufficient time and thoughtful reflection to product a synthesis work that represents your overall growth in understanding culture. In simplest terms: You are to take your ethnography and now explore opportunities and obstacles you see in ministry/missionary endeavors among them with the culmination of suggesting a strategy for Christian outreach to this people-group. You have freedom to express yourself with your unique gifts and talents in this project.

Options 1 You may write a paper (15 pages) In this paper, you will restate/repeat your ethnography making necessary additions and corrections. Then proceed to outline what opportunities and challenges may be present in Gospel work among them and then outline and explain (well cited) possible ways to engage in ministry/mission. OR

Option 2 You may present a creative project. This would fit your own gift mix. In all creative presentations, a short (1-2 page) summary and explanation of the project is required. You may write and record a song (s), present a montage of photographs, choreograph and video a dance, write a dramatic sketch, craft a series of poems, paint/draw a series of art expressions…. As you see, the options are only limited by your own creativity. Please note, your effort will need to be equivalent to the work required to produce a 15 page paper.