Radiation Oncology

“You Have 1 Year”

DUE DATE: 11/23/20

PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to understand and evaluate what is most important to you. This concept is a reality to some of the patients you will encounter in our profession. What will they treasure the most? Who will they want to share the diagnosis with? What will they want done during their final days? If you were in the same position, how would you analyze the situation?

The learning objectives of this assignment is to find priority of your life and most desired values you have. Students will create a year plan and emphasize what is of most important.

Skills: This assignment is to help you practice skills in critical thinking, process the compassion and sensitivity cancer patients require, and be able to communicate effectively in writing. These skills presented in this assignment also indicate steps towards distinguishing time management that will be integrated into your professional careers. Additionally, students will begin to process service orientation, coordination, monitoring skills, and judgement and decision making considerations. These skills are vital to what makes a great radiation therapy student, and life after school throughout your career.

Knowledge: This assignment will help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
1. Patient emotion, hardship, and thought process
2. Time management and goal setting
3. Prioritizing and innovation

TASK: You have been exposed to a Q-4 Antigen, which does not have a treatment or a hope for a cure. Death is projected at one year after exposure. The Q-4 foundation has established a fund to provide 10 million dollars to anyone who has developed the disease. Explain how you will respond to the situation and why.

Write about the following:
1. Will you tell anyone, and if so when, & how? Describe how you would feel and deal with your emotions.
2. How will you spend the money? Be specific.
3. Outline what you plan on doing in your remaining year of life on a monthly basis.
4. Describe your plan for the end of your life.
5. What will your legacy be?

• Address all the prompts in the task section above
• Assignment should also have an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph of your concluding thoughts
• Must be typed (1.5 spaced)
• Use a font that is easy to read – 10-12 point font size
• Cover Page: Include your name, course, instructor’s name, assignment title, and due date on assignment
• May be as creative as you wish
• Appropriate spelling and grammar – Points will be reduced for misspelling, poor grammar, and/or incomplete sentences/thoughts
• You may submit the assignment early without penalty.
• No late, or incomplete assignments will be accepted.
• Submit assignment by November 23, 2020, 10:30am through CANVAS upload.

Total points: 115