1. Next, complete the “Introduction” section. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph introduction to educational partnerships geared toward your chosen audience and setting. Include what the purpose of this handbook is, what characterizes educational partnerships in your chosen setting, and, briefly, why educational partnerships in this setting are beneficial. If you have chosen other specifications for your setting—for example, an inner city school or a program in a rural farming community—you may want to include details about this as well. ( ½ – 1 PAGE)
2. Then, complete the “Challenges” section. In this section, identify at least three specific challenges that a professional in your chosen setting might encounter when forging educational partnerships. For each challenge, provide at least one recommendation for overcoming it. (2 pages)
Assignment length: Introduction: 1/2–1 page; Challenges: 2–3 pages
Any other references found may be used as well
• Article: Epstein, J. L. (2007). Connections count: Improving family and community involvement in secondary schools. Principal Leadership, 8(2), 16–22. Retrieved from the ProQuest Central database.
In this article, Joyce Epstein reviews research findings on the benefits of home, school, and community partnerships and provides explanations and examples of the six types of involvement. Focus on Epstein’s recommendations for building effective partnerships of all types.
• Article: Cavner, D. (2010). When concerns arise. Exchange, 195, 100–103. Retrieved from the Education Research Complete database.
In this article, Denise Cavner identifies challenges professionals may encounter when working with families and suggests strategies for overcoming these challenges. Focus on Cavner’s discussion of obstacles to communication and the steps to effective communication.
• Article:Staples, K. E., & Dilberto, J. A. (2010). Guidelines for successful parent involvement: Working with parents of students with disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(6), 58–63. Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database.
In this article, Kelli Staples and Jennifer Dilberto describe strategies for working effectively with the parents of children with disabilities. Focus on the fundamentals of successful parent involvement, and how these fundamentals might translate to other settings.