When you have a strong grasp of the basic tenets, strengths, and weaknesses of key theories of psychology, you can make an informed decision as to which theory or theories best apply in understanding a particular set of behaviors. By keeping a journal of sorts, you can document the characteristics of each theory as you learn about it. Your journaling will be a useful reference for you long after you complete this course. The Psychology Theories Template provides a matrix where you can record what you have learned about each theory.
For this Assignment, you will explore key concepts found in psychodynamic theories and begin your journaling of this week’s theories.
Begin populating the Psychology Theories Template related to this week’s theories—psychodynamic theories. As you begin populating your template, consider the following:
Identify who or what contributed to the development of the theory. Were there key researchers or seminal research that led to the theory?
Record whether the theory emphasizes nature (biology), nurture (environment), or both.
List the primary characteristics or features of the theory (its key tenets and concepts). Be sure to include if a particular period of life is emphasized.
List the noteworthy strengths and weaknesses of the theory.
(Optional) Include any notes that you find helpful in understanding and applying the theory, such as potential contemporary themes or fields of research in which the theory could be applied.