Psychiatric DNP Personal Statement

Hi, Thank you so much forhelping me with my personal statement, I will do a quick instruction and my personal experiences below.

*I will just want to tell you quickly about my background: (this is quite long, not everything will fit into my personal statement)
I had grown up in Vietnam for the first 16 years of my life. After the suffering of poverty right after Vietnamese war, Vietnamese parents have been emphasized more about their own children’s academic achievement than anything else with the hope that one day, their kids would have a bright future. However, with this rigorous emphasizing on academic, most of Vietnamese parents sacrifies or somehow forget about their children’s mental health.
I remember since I was 5 years old, my daily schedule for cram school is from 7AM to 5PM. I learned Math, Literature and English to pass the entrance school exam for one of the elementary school in my city. Since I was a child, I already knew that in my school, through elementary to high school, my value is determined on my academic achievements. I did not question much about my lifestyle back then, until the sudden deadth of my best friend, I begin questioning and become depressed. Although both my parents are doctors in Vietnam, they did not know what to do with me. They did not take me to see a psychiatric until after the first attempt to end my life. I was diagnosed with depression. In my culture, the public knowledge regarding to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar,etc would consider to be zero. With my diagnoses, my parents has to hide it to people around us, since mental health is so stigmatized in Vietnam. Vietnamese culture stigmatized people with mental health issues as being lazy, not trying hard enough, and being a burdened to society.
I have lived with my depression and not known what to do with it until I went to college in America. I lived in the dorm and made friends. At least half of my friends in college shared with me about how they struggle with mental healths and there is hope if you ask for help in America. I reached out for help and now I am going through the journey of healing with my mental health.
During my journey in American, I witnessed so many second generation immigration family struggled with their mental health such as Major depressive disorder and PTSD. They did not seek out for help.
During my college year, mental health rotation and my job at the hospital, my passion toward mental health has been increased tremendously. I love to see how nurses and staffs in the hospital treat mental health patients with respect and dignity, which is always the way it should be.

*This is the requirements of the university I apply for with their Professional Goal Statement should be a two page typewritten document in APA format, double-spaced. Please include:
1. Your reasons for pursuing a DNP, your professional plans and career goals, and why you want to attend this Univeristy (U of M)
– Obtaining DNP psychiatric nurse practitioner helps me to grow deeper in understanding evidenced-based practive, be able to use research work and put it into practice. For long-term, I want to go for leadership position, helping people having more accessible mental health care and more cost effective mental health care system.
– Why u of M? Offer special program to advance to NP with both MSN and DNPdegrees. Once I complete MSN program, I can become licensed and clinically practice; then continue completing DNP.
2. Your past nursing experiences and how they will prepare you for an advanced nursing degree
-Psychiatric Medical Unit RN nurse since 6/26/2022. In the middle of Grand Rapids city, large population of homeless patients.
-Patient Care Assistant in Psychiatric Medical Unit since 2021
-Nurse Assistant in dementia unit since 2020

3. Past achievements in nursing, including any professional organization memberships or positions, awards, scholarships, nominations, certifications, committee/project work, or other accomplishments such as scholarly publications.
Leader of Diversity and Inclusion Advocate of Calvin Student Nursing Association
● Delegating tasks to team members
● Hosting educational events for 200 nursing students
● Communicating and inviting speakers to events
4. Any special circumstances applicable to your application
5. Describe your research interests
-Research focused on minority group with mental illness
-mental health of prisoners