Providing Professional Supervision for Staff

Providing Professional Supervision for Staff
Unit Reference Number J/617/2656
Unit Title Providing professional supervision for staff.
Unit Level 5
Number of Credits 20
Total Qualification Time 200
Core / Option Mandatory
SSAs 01.3 Health and social care
Unit Grading Structure Pass/Fail
Unit Aims
The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ ability to provide professional
supervision to staff and support them to enhance skills and performance.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning OutcomesThe learner will:
Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:
1. Understand professional
supervision in health and
social care environments
Evaluate theories and models that underpin the practice
of professional supervision
Explain the legal and regulatory codes of practice that
relate to professional supervision
Explain how evidence-based practice informs
professional supervision
2. Understand how to agree
the framework for a
professional supervision
Explain how to overcome power-imbalance in
professional supervision
Explain how to agree the boundaries and parameters
for carrying out supervision with the
3. Understand how to
provide professional
Describe how to provide constructive feedback to the
Explain how to review and agree performance targets
4. Understand how to reflect
on own practice in
professional supervision
Explain how to use tools to gather feedback on own
professional supervision practice
Describe how to reflect on feedback to identify
changes to be made to own practice
Task 1
Examine the concept of professional supervision in
practice. Instructions:
1. Evaluate theories and models that underpin the practice of professional supervision
2. Explain the legal and regulatory codes of practice that relate to
professional supervision
3. Explain how evidence-based practice informs professional
supervision (AC 1.1; 1.2; 1.3)
3000 word count (+/-10%) excluding bibliography and appendices
With reference to a health and social care organisation of your choice, explore their approach to
and use of professional supervision.
Your essay should:
1. Explain how to overcome power-imbalance in professional supervision
2. Explain how to agree the boundaries and parameters for carrying out supervision with
the supervisee
3. Describe how to provide constructive feedback to the supervisee
4. Explain how to review and agree performance targets
5. Explain how to use tools to gather feedback on own professional supervision practice
6. Describe how to reflect on feedback to identify changes to be made to own
practice (AC 2.1; 2.2; 3;1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2)
1500 word count (+/-10%) excluding bibliography and appendices
A pass grade will be awarded for successful achievement of all assessment criteria for each
learning outcome
All tasks must be completed and submitted