Put together a proposal for a health program/intervention addressing chronic conditions management for Indigenous peoples in an urban, rural or remote community or nonIndigenous people in a community setting. Refer to the following assignment guide: Work on a proposal for a chronic conditions program with a community development focus. This can be by yourself or with another student each student will be expected to submit their own/individual piece of work; Write up the proposal using the 8 Steps as outlined in the power point below Structure your proposal as if you were presenting this document to a committee. Complete an Action Plan framework for your health program/intervention and include this with your submission Some tips: The assignment needs to be structured so that it has sound academic structure with a clear introduction, middle/body and a conclusion Present the health program/intervention proposal including an action plan (see template) and summarising key points, rationale and background of the program proposal Introduction: clearly stated topic including proposed program title Background: Briefly outline what is currently happening in regards to the chronic conditions issue(s) in the community, and what changes would (potentially) need to be enacted in relation to your proposal; Outline the rationale and principal factors to be considered in planning for and managing this particular health program, from a chronic conditions perspective; Conclusion/ summary of ‘business case’ for the proposal. Presentation: font 12pt either calibri or arial preferred. 1.5 spacing. Ensure you have a footer with page numbers and your student name/number. You can use headings. Use third person in academic writing and write as if this is something you intend to do (i.e.: The health project aims to….) Reference list at end of document using APA style, at least 5 references used including research articles (reference does not contribute to word count).