Using all the information you have obtained during the intake and pre-sentence investigation and your interview as well as Johnny’s probation order, complete a supervision plan. List the special needs you have identified throughout your investigation of Johnny and be sure to include a detailed narrative on how you plan to address each specific need and ensure that Johnny will be successful on probation.
Johnny Noe Behave was in Juvenile Court last week for a dispositional hearing (sentencing). After reviewing your risk assessment and pre-sentence investigation report, the judge requested a psychological evaluation. Johnny was uncooperative with the psychologist so the evaluation was not as thorough as it could have been. However, the psychologist diagnosed Johnny with Cannabis Abuse after Johnny disclosed to him that he smokes marijuana 5-6 times a week. After reviewing your reports and the evaluation, the judge decided to sentence Johnny to a 30-day short-term placement program in a secure detention facility followed by supervised probation for a period of 24 months.
The judge ordered a few special probation conditions in addition to the general conditions to include community service hours, drug treatment, and an apology letter to the school for possessing drugs on school property. You have been assigned to be Johnny’s probation officer by your supervisor and you have 30 days to complete a supervision plan.
After court, you met with Johnny, Grandmother Granny, and Grandaddy Joe before Johnny was taken back to the detention center. Johnny’s parents, Daddy Khant Behave and Mommy Dearest also came to the meeting. Grandmother Granny shared that she has spoken to an inpatient drug treatment program and they have agreed to admit Johnny after he is released from detention. The program is a 28-day program. Johnny was not happy to hear about the program and does not want to go. He stated that he does not want to talk to a counselor. He hated his last counselor at Mental Health Clinics, Inc. The drug treatment program told Grandmother Granny that Johnny will require aftercare after he completes their program and is released. Grandmother Granny asked you for advice on what type of aftercare she should sign Johnny up for. Daddy and Mommy Dearest stated they want to be involved because they have already lost Johnny’s sibling to foster care and had their rights terminated and they want to try and fix their mistakes and do better for Johnny. You asked for information on where Johnny and his grandparents live and Grandmother Granny shared that they live in 3-bedroom, 2 bathhouses. Johnny’s aunt and uncle live in a trailer down the street about 1 mile. Johnny’s school is only 2 miles away but he cannot return to his home school because of the recent drug charges. Instead, he will have to attend the alternative school for one year before he can return to mainstream school. His family is worried about Johnny going to the school because they think all the “trouble” kids go there.
Copy and paste Supervision Plan Template (attached to this assignment) into a Word document.
Using all the information you have obtained during the intake and pre-sentence investigation and your interview as well as Johnny’s probation order, complete a supervision plan. List the special needs you have identified throughout your investigation of Johnny and be sure to include a detailed narrative on how you plan to address each specific need and ensure that Johnny will be successful on probation.
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Your paper should be double-spaced and include a centered title. Any sources used should be properly cited in APA format. APA Formatting and style guide