Project Management

Design a project management problem

Think of a project you would like to manage, or describe a project you’ve been tasked with managing. We’ll do this in stages, ultimately you will be developing a PEP (Project Execution Plan) and its context and expectations – essentially you will be developing a business case for your project and its implementation.

Basically, for your ultimate project you will:

1. Specify the problem being “solved”.

The company has always used manual file management. File management staff complained about the heavy workload and low efficiency. The waiting time for the person borrowing the file is long. The company needs to develop a full-featured file management software to replace manual file management.

2. Describe the goal of the project.

Establish a file management system that is efficient, saves manpower and financial resources, and shortens the waiting time of borrowers. It will reduce company management expenses and improve the company’s core competitiveness

3. Beneficiary: file management personnel, internal staff of the company.

4. How should (will) the project team be built, chosen, organized, and defined within the organization? (about 150 words)

5. Provide a PEP: storyboard it, then write the script and describe it with the details (costs, timelines, metrics, benchmarks, risks) and technicalities. (about 300 words)

6. Include a listing of the tools used. (eg, Chart, Benefit Mapping, economic method, SWOT for scope, the scope statement, Milestone Chart, Critical Path Method, Cost Planning Map, Earned Value Analysis, Sprint Task Board, Project Report Checklist, Summary Status Report) Choose five tools and describe in brief (about 200 words)