Final Project – CSC 100
Your final project is worth 100 points of your final grade, and is, therefore, a very important part of this class. Your project should demonstrate your understanding of the use of 3 of the 4 applications learned in class. You will conceive an idea and show me that you know an appropriate use of each program in your project.
Your project MUST consist of:
1. A word processing component,
2. A spreadsheet component,
3. A database component.
I purposely leave the requirements for your project theme vague, so that you can form your ideas without a lot of guidelines. You get to choose how you will demonstrate each of these components but here are some general requirements:
- Your project MUST be done in Microsoft OFFICE 2016.
- Your project MUST be handed in on hard copy and uploaded into Blackboard. NO REPORT COVERS PLEASE!
· Printing Instructions: print one page from each application. DO NOT print everything! Color is not required.
- You MAY NOT use any program’s Templates.
- Your spreadsheet MUST have at least one calculation in it. Any charts should enhance the information, and be simple and easy to read.
- Your database component MUST be easily understood and contain a minimum of 8 records per table.
ü You cannot import your Excel file as your table in Access. You need to set up the table structure in Access.
ü You must have at least two queries, which should contribute helpful information to the project, not just look like your table. The queries should show different operations (ie: don’t just use one piece of criteria in each).
ü Do not print more than one record’s forms.
ü Delete any forms, tables or queries you do not mean to have in your file.
ü Be sure your object names describe what it is.
You may choose a subject that is of interest to you, whether it is something to do with your major or a hobby you have. Your project DOES NOT need to be factual; that is you do not need to spend time researching data. It DOES, however, need to be appropriate, meaning you should choose component ideas that make sense to each other. Each component should enhance the others. For example…
A BAD example:
1. A letter to Santa Clause (word processing component)
2. A spreadsheet of your monthly expenses (spreadsheet component)
3. A database of addresses for your class reunion (database component)
A GOOD example:
1. A contract for a business you run (word processing component)
2. A spreadsheet of your business expenses (spreadsheet component)
3. A database of addresses of your business contacts (database component)
You are not required to talk to me about your subject matter ahead of time, but please feel free to run your ideas past me if you need help. I will bring some samples in to class several weeks before your due date. The more you put into your project, the better your grade will be.
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