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Download the document Week 5 Assessment Tools [DOCX], and read about the three assessment tools: the DiSC assessment, the Cognitive Criteria Aptitude Test (CCAT), and the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal.
Read each hiring scenario (these are also included in the document):
Scenario 1: Your human resources department needs to hire a new Employee Relations Manager (ERM). This person’s job is to manage conflict and workplace issues between managers and employees across three separate departments. The ERM must be able to handle disgruntled employees and managers with compassion, discretion, and professionalism in situations where tempers may run high.
Scenario 2: You need one more person on a team you’re putting together to launch a new tech startup business. You want to make sure this person’s personality balances out with the others you’ve already hired. Specifically, you’re looking for someone enthusiastic and outgoing, but also detail-oriented and focused.
Scenario 3: You’re hiring a new financial analyst for your organization. This position needs an individual with strong problem-solving and reasoning skills as well as in-depth mathematical abilities.
For each scenario, compare the three assessment tools, and decide which one would be the most effective in evaluating a candidate for the position. Write an answer for each scenario in one well-developed paragraph in which you identify the most effective tool and explain why it is more appropriate than the other tools.
Submission Requirements
Check your assignment for grammatical errors.
Review what you have written for clarity.
Submit the completed assignment on the Worksheet in the document, Week 5 Assessment Tools.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

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