The introduction of the Companies Act 2006 mark important recognition that a number of other interests should properly be aligned with the success of the company. In your final project you will need to devise and structure a report, which provide a critical discussion of how company law safeguard’s the interests of stakeholders in general? Your report should also seek to critically assess the impact that the Companies Act 2006 has had on the company’s social responsibility towards various stakeholder groups.
TASK: The aim is to carry out preliminary research on your final project. Your task to produce a project proposal explaining the scope of your report and, which covers the following aspects: • Title of the Final Project • Introduction • Aim and Objectives of the Final Project • Background • Content outline which identifies key issues and applicable legal rules • Preliminary resources, which should include a robust combination of secondary sources of law such as textbooks and journal articles and primary sources of law such as applicable cases and legislative provisions