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1-Abstract (only one page) consists of:
* 1 Paragraph about what have been done similar to your idea!
Minimum 3-5 lines about Engineering Design importance in product design process. Show the reference!
* 1 Paragraph about what are you intending to explain and/or do within your project! Minimum 3-5 lines about what you are presenting your project.
* 1 Paragraph about what are the outcomes from your project / study!
3-5 lines about what you have concluded from your project practice related to team work and achieving your targets.
2-Main Body consist of:
*What are your going to do? (What problem and/or idea you need to consider for your project)
*Search and write about 2products (*) similar to the one you want to do
*What are their parts (Main, Special, Sub-System, Assembly, and Sub-Assembly)?
*Explain with pictures about each of these parts’ functionality, material, and special features!
*Specify which parts you are going to consider for your project!
*Identify your customers and provide a proposed picture or diagram of the product Define and identify your Customer Requirements
*Define and identify your Engineering Characteristics
*Create and explain about your House of Quality and identify which part you are going to consider for improvement
*Explain about your product :
-Parts (Main, Special, Sub-System, Assembly, and Sub-Assembly)
-Design Concept for each part in brief (explain in details about the part you are going to consider for
-Show and explain your product’s Conceptual Design Flow Chart (show your alternative options)
-Show and explain your product’s Functionality and how parts are connected
-Show and explain your product’s Parametric Design and Specifications
-Specify the proposed material and manufacturing process for each part in brief (explain in details about
the part you are going to consider for improvement)
-Show and explain the Evaluation of your Conceptual Design using the Weighted Rating Method
-Design Configuration for each part in brief (explain in details about the part you are going to consider for
-Show and explain the Evaluation of your Configuration Design using the Weighted Rating
-Functionality Analysis for each part in brief (explain in details about the part you are going to consider
for improvement)
**Please show the Appendices you have use
Appendices: Gantt Chart, Technical specifications, Properties of used materials, any further
information, (one page )