Pocahontas and the Challenge of Jamestown Colony

Paper details
-explain the challenge of Jamestown Colony for Pocahontas, what that challenge was, and how she did or did
not overcome the challenge.
-Describe the historical, social, governmental or personal circumstances of the challenge.
-Explain how Pocahontas interacted with the challenge.
-Did she meet the challenge and succeed?
-Did the challenge defeat her?
-Explain the resolution of the challenge. Was it resolved? Did it continue?
-Does the challenge the person faced continue to challenge American society today? Explain how so or why
the challenge no longer exists.
This paper must include a discussion of the following topics:
-a thorough summary of the event including the incidents that took place and the key individuals involved;
-the importance of the event in the scheme of U.S. history; and
-the impact of the event, person, or time in U.S. History.