Pick a midsize organization and make recommendations of change

A​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​s your first assignment, you are hired by the Board of Directors of an organization as a leadership consultant to analyze a strategic change situation the company is/has been experiencing, evaluate whether the company and its leadership is on the right track or not and make recommendations for future actions. The main objective of the project is for you, the leadership consultant, to demonstrate to the Board of Directors: (1) An in-depth understanding of a change leader actions as his/her organization goes through a change situation. (2) Consultancy skills in data gathering, analysis, and communication. Sources: The boundaries are those of your imagination. The possibilities include personal work experience, interviews with leaders and members of an organization, questionnaires, observations of workplace behavior, analysis of organizational documents, trade journals, academic journals, local newspapers, and the business press (e.g., Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Wall Street Journal). Do not, however, use a “pre-packaged” case (e.g., from a textbook or casebook). If there is a concern about the confidentiality of the individual or company selected, it is okay to use fictitious names. The Board had previous problems with consultants who did not do original work so they require that all sources must be cited carefully. Report structure: The Board of Directors are very busy, and they request that your report not exceed 10 double-spaced pages (exclusive of title page, appendices, and references – 10 pages of report (actually a one page abstract and 9 pages of report), and should consist of the following sections presented under sub-headings: I also need the Title page, appendix and the reference. 1. Abstract Your abstract should contain at least your research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. You may also include possible implications of your research and future work you see connected with your findings. Your abstract should be a single paragraph, double-spaced. Your abstract should typically be no more than 250 words. (5%) 2. Introduction (10%) Explain the change issue you are analyzing Briefly describe the change leader. Why was this particular leader/ situation selected? What was the goal in doing so? What were the anticipated findings in relation to the leadership issue? (This is what you thought you might find – your expectations, whether right or wrong.) 3. Methodology (20%) How did you obtain the information necessary for this report? Why was this method chosen? Did you use interviews (with whom)? Surveys (with whom)? Where did you get the survey or interview questions from (a scholarly journal article maybe)? Attach interview/surveys as appendix if used. If you made observations, what did you look for?​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​ What days/times? Ethical considerations? (e.g. Voluntary participation? Confidentiality? Anonymity?) Note: there should be NO findings or results presented here in this section! This is your methodology 4. Analysis of Leadership Issues and Recommendations (50%) This is where you present the findings/results, analyze them, and give recommendations. Use course material – apply at least two models/theories/frameworks/approaches – to describe any leadership issues/problems identified. Alternative action steps that relate specifically to the problems/issues identified in the project should be discussed and weighted. Relative advantages / disadvantages for each course of action should also be discussed. Finally, specific recommendations and/or implementation plan(s) must be described (use course concepts and theories to justify choices). 5. Conclusion (10%) Students should summarize what they learned about leadership issues from the project (insights) and draw relevant conclusions. 6. Cite Sources (including the textbook(s), journal articles, etc.) (5%) Please use APA (American Psychological Association) style which is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. Go to https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/format/ to download an optional APA format template in Microsoft Word. 7. Appendix Please include copies of surveys, interview questions, interview transcripts, tables of survey results (e.g. mean scores), etc. In conclusion, you are free to pick any organization undergoing strategic change and to analyze the steps the change leader took that lead to success or failure for the organization. Tell us what you think the leader did (right or wrong) or should do to lead the organization through the strategic change. As an example, use COVID-19’s impact on a mid-sized organization where the staff and had to transition from working at a desk in a cubicle to working at home with kids out of school. That was chaos and its already happened in hundreds of thousands of small businesses across the country with varying degrees of success. The Board of Directors is looking at how to run a post-Covid company. When/where/how do workers return? Do some remain at home permanently? Does the company retain the same business practices post-Covid? Does the leader have a new vision for the company that capitalizes on the transition to whatever the new normal will be or will they choose to plod along trying to do things the way they’ve always been done? We already know that hundreds of thousands of small businesses will never reopen. Organizations that are going to survive and prosper are dealing with a rapidly changing environment. Pick any such organization, tell us what they are doing, and most importantly, and APPLY what you’ve learned about change leadership to tell us what they​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​ should be doing.