- Explain and critically evaluate Descartes argument from “doubt” that he uses to try to prove that the body is a different thing from the mind.
- Explain the Socratic Method of Teaching. How is it used in the “Myth of the Cave” (see the reading excerpt from Plato at the end of Chapter 2)?
- Explain how critical thinking can be used to analyze a philosophical issue, and illustrate with an example.
- Explain the phrase “cogito ergo sum”, and the role it plays in Descartes’ version of Foundationalism.
- Could God have a reason to deceive humanity? Explain Descartes’ answer, and discuss whether you agree or disagree (and why).
- What is deduction and what is induction? How are they different? Give an example of each type of argument.
- Explain the atomist view of Democritus. What ethical view does Epicurus develop from this kind of materialist metaphysics? Discuss and critically evaluate.
- Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle’s views of reality; how are they similar, and how do they differ?
- Explain and discuss the difference between a priori and a posteriori knowledge.
- Compare and contrast pragmatic theories of truth with the correspondence theory of truth.