Plan for Scholarshiр of Teaching and Learning SCHOLARLY PROJECT PLAN RUBRIC During уour participation in N 5345, the strong link between scholarship, teaching, and curriculum development should have become increasinglу evident. Whether уou are currently working in a healthcare facility or an academic institution, this assignment will provide the opportunity for you to begin the development of a personal plan for developing the scholarship of teaching. Please note that this assignment will provide background information for a possible plan only. However, once you gather the information, you may find yourself anxious to implement the plan after the course! The following are the detailed steps needed in order to complete the assignmentplease use them in conjunction with the rubric that follows. 1. Review the following resources for background information related to scholarship in teaching and curriculum work: Banks, J. (2012). Development of scholarly trajectories that reflect core values and priorities: A strategy for promoting faculty retention. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28, 351–359. Iwasiw, C.L. and Goldenberg, D. (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education (3rd ed.). Chapter 4: Scholarship in curriculum work (pages 6376). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Oermann, M.H. (2014). Defining and assessing the scholarship of teaching in nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30, 370375. Turner, T., Palazzi, D., Ward, M. & Lorin, M. (2012). Transforming teaching into scholarship. The Clinical Teacher, 9, 363–367. 2. Access Table 1 (“Questions to Assist With Decision Making Related to Scholarly Trajectory”) on page 355 in the article by Joanne Banks, and reflect on the questions in the “Professional” category. In this assignment, we’ll focus on the first two questions in that category. The rest of the questions will give you a great overview of the types of questions to consider as you move forward in the future with scholarship. 3. Propose a scholarly question that is of high interest to you—it could be related to a course you are teaching, or one you would like to teach. Many questions of interest will no doubt occur to you as you read the background information, but for this assignment please focus on one only. Provide the reason for your interest in the introduction. 4. Develop a scholarly paper to answer the question “What is the state of the science in my interest area?” Review the literature on what is currently known in nursing and other disciplines on the topic you are interested in answering. As always, when searching the literature, starting with a PICO question will help you do a focused literature review at first. The paper should be no more than 3 pages (excluding title page, references, and matrix of references) that provides a summary/synthesis of the main ideas of the articles. Please attach an evidence matrix showing the articles used in your summary, but the matrix does not count in the number of pages. 4. Based on the literature, how would you proceed with a plan to answer the question? If the question is already answered fully by the evidence available, you might proceed with a plan to apply the findings to a specific course. (Is there an article you could replicate or build on for your own project?) Or, if there is not much evidence available that answers the question, how would you proceed to gather further evidence? Plan for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning SCHOLARLY PROJECT PLAN RUBRIC During your participation in N 5345, the strong link between scholarship, teaching, and curriculum development should have become increasingly evident. Whether you are currently working in a healthcare facility or an academic institution, this assignment will provide the opportunity for you to begin the development of a personal plan for developing the scholarship of teaching. Please note that this assignment will provide background information for a possible plan only. However, once you gather the information, you may find yourself anxious to implement the plan after the course! The following are the detailed steps needed in order to complete the assignmentplease use them in conjunction with the rubric that follows. 1. Review the following resources for background information related to scholarship in teaching and curriculum work: Banks, J. (2012). Development of scholarly trajectories that reflect core values and priorities: A strategy for promoting faculty retention. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28, 351–359. Iwasiw, C.L. and Goldenberg, D. (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education (3rd ed.). Chapter 4: Scholarship in curriculum work (pages 6376). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Oermann, M.H. (2014). Defining and assessing the scholarship of teaching in nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30, 370375. Turner, T., Palazzi, D., Ward, M. & Lorin, M. (2012). Transforming teaching into scholarship. The Clinical Teacher, 9, 363–367. 2. Access Table 1 (“Questions to Assist With Decision Making Related to Scholarly Trajectory”) on page 355 in the article by Joanne Banks, and reflect on the questions in the “Professional” category. In this assignment, we’ll focus on the first two questions in that category. The rest of the questions will give you a great overview of the types of questions to consider as you move forward in the future with scholarship. 3. Propose a scholarly question that is of high interest to you—it could be related to a course you are teaching, or one you would like to teach. Many questions of interest will no doubt occur to you as you read the background information, but for this assignment please focus on one only. Provide the reason for your interest in the introduction. 4. Develop a scholarly paper to answer the question “What is the state of the science in my interest area?” Review the literature on what is currently known in nursing and other disciplines on the topic you are interested in answering. As always, when searching the literature, starting with a PICO question will help you do a focused literature review at first. The paper should be no more than 3 pages (excluding title page, references, and matrix of references) that provides a summary/synthesis of the main ideas of the articles. Please attach an evidence matrix showing the articles used in your summary, but the matrix does not count in the number of pages. 4. Based on the literature, how would you proceed with a plan to answer the question? If the question is already answered fully by the evidence available, you might proceed with a plan to apply the findings to a specific course. (Is there an article you could replicate or build on for your own project?) Or, if there is not much evidence available that answers the question, how would you proceed to gather further evidence? Master LevelAPA