Personal Development Plan


For this assignment, you will create a personal development plan by integrating what you have learned from your coaching sessions, journal entries, and research on emotional intelligence and incorporating SMART goals.

· Consider some of your underlying assumptions when you began this journey in Week 1 and compare them to your current assumptions.

· Analyze the evolutionary process that took place over the past month and the insights gained.

· Create a reasonable timeline for accomplishing the goals in your action plan. Identify concrete action steps for your plan, including how you will achieve them and by when. Outline how you will measure and evaluate your progress.

· How are you going to close the gap to ensure you acquire the necessary skills, abilities, and knowledge to succeed?

· What specific actions will you take to make your vision happen?

· What kinds of training, education, and other experiences are necessary?

· What will you do to develop the skills and abilities that you need in order to achieve your goals?

Write your paper in two sections.

Part 1: Personal Development Plan

Address the following:

· Articulate your future developmental needs, factoring in accurate self-assessment and feedback from your coach.

· Explain how feedback from your coaching sessions and journal activities helped to identify or clarify needs.

· Detail SMART goals in a multiyear plan.

· Develop a multiyear plan with SMART goals.

· Describe a plan to tackle fundamental behavior changes.

· Analyze how the plan will develop and enhance skills to add value to an organization

· Explain a process to review and update a plan on a continuous basis.

· Synthesize how you will develop and enhance your existing skills through an introspective investigation and reflection of personal tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses going forward.

Part 2: Becoming a Coach

Address the following:

As you transition from the role of a coachee to the role of a coach in Week 6, begin thinking about how you can model some of the techniques your coach used when working with you.

· Apply strategies for successful coaching. Illustrate the application of coaching strategies.

· How will you use coaching to build and develop talent in your current (or future) position?

· Highlight specific strategies for building trust and rapport when coaching others.

· Describe specific checks or measures to ensure equity and honesty when working with employees and community stakeholders.

Use correct grammar and mechanics in writing.

Your paper should have 10–12 pages of content (excluding the cover page and reference section). Use the APA Module, linked in the Resources. Since this paper is a personal reflection, it is acceptable to use the first person for this assignment.

Submit your paper as a Word document to the assignment area by the due date.

Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save this learning activity in your ePortfolio