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Rеseаrсh Pаper
The purpose of this paper is
1) to assess an organization that has undergone recent changes that have impacted a local communitу = Use organization in article: Organization Communication To Achieve Change (attached) see www.wally.org).
2) determine whether these changes positively or negatively impacted the community.
a. Include the following in your paper:
Explained how the identified change was communicated to the community.
Critiqued the communication techniques used by organizational leaders, including how the techniques had an impact on the organization and community.
Provided specific examples as to how these changes impacted the community and explanations as to why each community was impacted by change.
Analyzed the benefits of and/or consequences from the change.
Provided recommendations for sustaining the change in the future and/or improving future changes for both the organization and the community (including examples and supported with leadership theory and outside research).
Total pages 8, – Total references 7
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