Nursing Project


This is the 2nd week of the going project that will continue for the next 16 weeks. During the weeks, you will use the ATTACHED DNP project paper to answer some of the questions below. There will be 2 papers each week, and each will be 6 pages.


Identifying Population Gaps Paper

A Full and Complete 6-Page

For week 2, you will develop a full 6-page APA paper identifying gaps in care for individuals, communities, and populations related to your topic and community. Determine and discuss additional programs needed for promotion/disease prevention interventions that support your project and population.

Use five to six scholarly, academic references to support your paper that are less than 5 years old.

Identification of New Literature Paper

A Full and Complete 6-Page

For week 2, you will develop a full 6-page APA paper discussing at least 8 new research studies (literature not used in your current manuscript) that support your project. Provide an overview and synopsis of each article. Compare and contrast each of the eight research studies, identify which best supports and aligns with your project and explain why.

Use eight scholarly, empirical research studies that are less than 2 years old for this paper