Personal Values Paper: This is a 3-5 page paper that reflects on your personal values and how they have been shaped (or are being shaped) by religious beliefs, culture, personality, and professional or life experience. This paper should speak to the values that you hold and shape how you live. The goal is to thoughtfully consider them so that you are aware of how they inform your perspective in making ethical decisions. Your personal values will not be graded. Your grade will be based on your ability to reflect on and demonstrate awareness of your values and the people and events that shaped them.
In writing your Personal Values Paper, consider the questions posed below. Your reflection should respond to, but is not limited to these questions. Headings are to be utilized for clarity.
Personal Values
What are characteristics that I was taught as a child that are important to me? Respect the people who are older than you. Respect your parents. Be polite. Be strong. Always be on time. Be kind with others but always take your rights. Try hard and never give up; you can achieve whatever you want.(add what ever you want)
What are some of the characteristics of my personality that inform the way I look at things? Examples: hard working, resourceful, timeliness, goal-oriented, relational, physical, reflective, role in family, etc. My characteristics cause me to be loyal and Honest in my relationships. Be respectful to my family and be responsible and caring regarding them. Be an obedient person, I like to follow the rules and instructions. To not get angry easily. (add whatever you want)
Religious Beliefs
What is my faith tradition and how has it informed my values? Do I accept everything that my faith tradition says or do I differ on some subjects? Why? If I am not part of a formal faith tradition, what are my beliefs about what human beings are meant to do and be in life? What gives me direction in life? How do I understand how I should relate to others, the earth, and nature?
I was born and raised as a Muslim. And I do not accept some parts that my faith tradition says. In Islam, women should cover their hair to protect themselves from men. Or women shouldn’t sing or dance in front of men who are not mahram to them. (you can add detail to it) and please write about my belief about what human beings are meant to do and be in life (to seek happiness and meaning in life or self-improvement and growth)
Cultural Values
How has my unique culture affected the things I value or don’t value? How does my culture look at the roles of family members in decision making and authority? What does quality of life mean for my culture? What are some of the values held tightly and taught in my culture? Examples may include independence, dependence, communication, male/female roles, etc. If you are an immigrant, how have your values changed since living in the U.S?
Write it base on Islam and Iranian culture. (and my values didn’t change yet)
Individual Experiences
What outside or environmental experiences or mentors have you had that have contributed to your values? Consider past teachers, pastors, friends, living environments, specific events in your life, etc.
Professional Values
What nursing values do you already highly value? Which are less desirable? How do you see your values applying to your nursing role? How do you understand your ethical responsibility as a professional nurse?