As you approach the end of your Master of Science in Nursing program and prepare for a career as a nurse practitioner, you will want to create a cover letter, resume, and portfolio that best represent your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a professional in the field of nursing.

For this Assignment, you will create a Career Planner, which includes these elements that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.

Develop a cover letter, resume, philosophy statement, and other professional resources that meet the requirements outlined in the Career Planner Guide.

The cover letter is: • Presented and formatted in professional business manner • Addressed properly • Clear and concise (no more than one page) and includes an introduction, body, and conclusion• Written in a professional tone

The Resume is clear, concise and well organized and includes: • Name, location (city/town and state), business phone number, and email address (centered at top of resume) • Objective: 2–3 sentences describing your goal/objective for employment• Certifications & licenses • Education • Professional experience • Honors/Awards • References

The Portfolio is clear, concise and well organized and includes: • Personal philosophy statement • Personal goals (short term and long term) • Self-assessment

Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for parenthetical/in-text citations and reference list.