MIDTERM PROMPT BELOW In no less than 3 pages, please discuss the recent development of corridos/narcocorridos in Mexico. Utilize lecture notes and all corridobased readings to answer the following questions. 1. BRIEFLY discuss NAFTA and its effect on Mexico 2. How has NAFTA impacted the narcocorrido in Mexico and in the US? 3. Do you believe that narcocorridos fuel narcoculture in Mexico? This midterm is basically an extension of your last post, and can be utilized as part of your final paper if you’d like. IN ADDITION, you are also reading the next several chapters in the text EL NARCO. Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. // Professor’s email ends here The only material that is new for this paper(MIDTERM) are the following: • Corrido 3 Lecture Notes • Corrido 2 PowerPoint • El Narco: Inside Mexico’s Criminal Insurgency (Please read chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) It is necessary to be familiar with the material from the previous papers you have written for me. If you need to refresh on the material, please go over it and reread it. The material below is material from the previous papers you have written for me (order # 81953616 and order # 81957789): • The following is material from the film review “Narco Cultura” (order # 81953616): What is a Corrido (If you need to refreh, please reread the article) Corrido 1 PowerPoint (If needed, please review again)
Narco Cultura (It is very important to recall things from the movie. If you need to watch it again, please message me and I will upload the movie) El Narco: Inside Mexico’s Criminal Insurgency (For the film review you read Chapters 1 and 2 from the book. If you need to refresh, please review the chapters in the book) • The following is material from the “Why Corridos Became Popular as a result of Signing of NAFTA (order # 81957789): Narcocorridos: An Emerging Micromusc of Nuevo LA (If you need to refresh, please reread the article) Cocaine’s Long March North, 19002010 (If you need to refresh, please reread the article) Corrido 2 Lecture Notes (These lecture notes discuss the timeline of the corridor. If you need to refresh, please reread the notes). El Narco; Inside Mexico’s Criminal Insurgency (For “Why Corridos Became Popular as a result of Signing of NAFTA” you read chapters 4, 5 , 6, and 7. If you need to review, please reread the chapters)