Movie Review

Various types of crises are frequently depicted in films, sometimes accurately and sometimes very inaccurately. For this option, I have chosen a film that shows an individual in a transcrisis state, meaning that his current reality is affected by an unresolved crisis. Some things to ponder as you watch: Are the depictions in the film of an individual traumatized by a past event an accurate portrayal of what occurs in such a situation? What factors have contributed to the prolonging of the crisis? Has anything helped the individual?

You will likely have rent this one. It is available at most video rental services. Here is a link to the movie on Amazon Instant Video:

The reaction paper is meant to give you a deeper understanding of the concepts we cover in this course. For this first reaction paper I have focused on mental disorders and their treatment. All the options in this paper pertain to psychological disorders that we will cover in the course.

You will graded upon the following areas:

Understanding of material

· You will be graded on your ability to demonstrate that you completely read/watched the chosen work and that you understood the material. Basically, this is a BRIEF summary of your chosen work.

Reaction to Material

· You will be graded on your ability to give a clear opinion and/or a well-developed argument about the work you chose.

In-Depth Analysis of the Evidence for or Against your Reaction

· You will be graded on your ability to give an in-depth analysis of evidence that supports or refutes your reaction to the work. Students will find and cite at least two other sources that support or refute their reaction. For example, the work you chose advocates for a confrontational style that you find to be uncomfortable. In the previous section you discussed your discomfort with treatment of an individual in one of the movies. In this section you discuss whether evidence backs this method of treatment as effective or finds it to be harmful. As another example, you may feel that the work you have chosen ignores an important aspect of assessing or treating a particular type of psychological disorder. In this section, you would provide evidence that the factor you consider to be important has been found to be an central consideration in assessing or treating this type of mental health issue.

Grammar, Readability, and Page Length

· Your paper should be well organized and must meet a minimum page length of 3 FULL pages (not counting title page or reference page)

To help get you started, here is a sample outline focusing on possible heading. You don’t necessarily have to follow the sample outline is long is the areas above are covered.

Sample Outline:

Title Page (Not counted towards the minimum 3 page total)

Introduction (No more than half a page. I will count off if you make this section too long as it would serve as filler. In other words, be efficient with your summary)

· Include your summary here

Reaction (Should range somewhere between 1-2 pages)

Analysis of Psychological Concepts (Should range somewhere between 1-2 pages)

Reference Page (Not counted towards the minimum 3 page total)