1. Assessment Learning Outcomes to be assessed: • Critically assess the process of firm internationalisation • Understand how changing international trade patterns, globalisation and government organisations influence the patterns of international business 2. Assessment Guidance Coursework Brief – Report / Case Study Analysis Objectives Based on online research, students are to evaluate Toolstation’s potential expansion strategy to Australia. After understanding Toolstation’s vision, mission and objectives, the company structure (organisational map), students are to analyse the external environment of the home country (UK) and the target country (Australia (PESTEL). From this analysis students are then to identify the company’s internationalisation drivers (Yip’s key drivers of internationalisation) and create scenarios before analysing the internal envornment in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Following this, students are to analyse the cultural, administrative and political, geographic and economic/wealth distances (CAGE). As a final step, based on the analyses conclusions are to be drawn and recommendations expressed.
With the help of the following frameworks evaluate a potential Toolstation expansion strategy to AUSTRALIA: • PESTEL (Home country and target country) • Yip’s key drivers of internationalisation and scenarios • Target country’s Porter’s 5 forces • SWOT • CAGE • Market entry modes • The four generic international strategies 3. Report Structure Front page (see Campus Moodle for guidance) Executive Summary Contents Page SECTION 1: Introduction This section provides the reader with an overview and summary of the case study. SECTION 2: An overview of Toolstation. This section provides the reader with an overview of Toolstation. SECTION 3: a) Analysis of Toolstation’s external environment and key drivers in the UK In this sub-section you analyse Toolstation’s external environment and key drivers in the UK. b) Analysis of Toolstation’s internationalisation drivers and scenarios In this sub-section you analyse Toolstation’s internationalisation drivers and various scenarios. c) Analysis of opportunities and constraints faced by Toolstation in Australia In this sub-section you analyse the opportunities and constraints that Toolstation is likely to face in expanding their operations to Australia. SECTION 4: Evaluation of Toolstation’s internationalisation strategy into Australia In this section you analyse what kind of market entry mode and which is the best generic strategy for Toolstation in expanding their operations to Australia. SECTION 5: Conclusions and recommendations
4. Assessment Format Word Count: 2000 words (with 10% flexibility on either side: 1800 – 2200 words). Exact word count to be displaced on front page. The word count only includes sections 1 to 5. Front Page, Abstract, Contents Page and References are not included in the word count. Document Format: • Word • Font: Ariel • Headings should be in Title case, bold 14-point, left-aligned, and proceeded by the continuing sequence number. o Example: 1. Section Heading Example • Sub-section headings: Should be in Title case, bold 12-point, leftaligned, and preceeded by the continuing sequence number. o Example: 1.1 Section Heading • Text: regular, 12-point and left-aligned. • Appendices should be labeled alphabetically; i.e. A, B, C, followed by an Appendix Title. The Appendices should be consistent in style with the other sections. • A4, portrait orientation. • Single-column. • Left margin should be 4cm; all other martings should be 2 cm. • Line spacing should be 1.5 for all sections. Quotations, footnotes or captions can be single-spaced. • Any non-text content such as pictures, illustrations, scans, etc. should be provided in a quality of at least 300dpi and include copyright notices. • Tables and figures: o Should be numbered consecutively (not within individual chapters) and followed by a title. o Captions should appear at the bottom of Tables and Figures, in 12-point font, and centre-aligend. o Line spacing should be 1.0 in the TOC (Table of Content). • Pagination o The Title page should remain unnumbered. o The TOC (Table of Content) should be numbered using lower case Roman numerals; i.e. .i, ii, iii.