Modern Day America

You will write a research paper that discusses the trait of American exceptionalism which you
selected in your Research Paper: Topic Brief Assignment and researched in your Research
Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment. You will:
 Provide multiple definitions from a variety of sources of the trait you selected in your
Topic Brief.
 Describe how this trait came to be uniquely associated with early American culture.
 Describe how your chosen trait could be applied in a negative fashion if the people do not
exhibit virtue or integrity.
 Discuss whether this trait is still characteristic of modern-day America.
 Length of assignment: At least six (6) pages, not including the title page, and
bibliography. 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and 1” margins.
 Format of assignment: Current APA
 Number of citations: At least ten (10) references
 Acceptable sources: Textbooks, links to assigned reading and study materials, published
journal articles, and website articles.