Micro Language Policy

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Develop a micro-language policy for an organisation with which you are familiar. The paper may focus more on language use and needs for the organisation than the policy itself. The policy document itself should be concise, to the point, and readable for the intended audience. (See Baldauf (2005b) for a discussion of micro language planning and policy and summaries of examples.)

Criteria Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 2 Grade 1
Language problem Language Language Language Demonstrates an Demonstrates a partial Description of the Fails to depict the
and its context problem and its problem and its problem and its adequate definition of understanding of the language problem language problem
context are clear and context are clear context are clear languageĀ  problem and language problem and and its context is and/or its context
very well defined and well defined its context its context deficient
Literature and Consistent engagement Frequent engagement Engagement with a Engagement with some Limited Engagement No engagement
fundamental with or recognition of with or recognition wide range of key ideas and engagement with with relevant with relevant
concepts major concepts & of major concepts & literature and literature in the field relevant literature literature is literature
research research ideas clearly deficient
Policy and A sustained policy and A sustained policy A sustained policy Policy is adequate and Policy is unclear and Policy and No clear policy or
argument argument are and argument are and argument are writing is argument is not argument are argument can be
convincingly clearly presented presented coherent substantiated clearly deficient identified
Implications Clear implications for language policy and context are consistently identified and developed Implications for language policy and context are identified and developed Substantial implications for language

policy and context are identified

Adequate implications for language policy and context are presented Limited implications for language policy and context Implications for policy and context are clearly inadequate No implications for language policy or context
Style and communication Policy thoroughly communicates to intended Policy communicates to intended Policy communicates to intended Policy acceptably communicates to intended reader sand Policy partially communicates to intended readers and Policy has

trouble communicating;

Policy does not communicate to intended readers
readers; it is logical and readers; it is readers, it is shows adequate shows limited shows poor
imaginative and is error logical, shows some organised, but organisation organisation of organisation and
free imagination and is contains some presentation errors hinder
mainly error free errors communication  

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