each of the following points in separate paragraph 1. haemophilia condition where antithrombotic therapies are administered 2. point of care devices available for measuring Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) with pictures 3. antithrombin 4. the currently available POC testing method in haemostasis include 1. platelet function;2. thrombelastography (TEG); 3. rotational thrombelastometry (ROTEM) 4. activated clotting time and DDimer, each in separate paragraph 5. advantage and disadvantage of Techniques for Thrombin Measurement in Pt and APTT, please PT in paragraph and APTT in another paragraph Use Harvard style, the reference sources last five year only 20172012, please and make sure are available access online free. the number of words (825) without the refrence list please