Assessment Task
McLeod has implemented a program of changes since 2008. Imagine you have been approached as an external consultant by McLeod to manage one of the change projects within this program. Develop a three-part proposal with an Executive summary responding to the following:
1. Proposal – Identify one project you would like to be involved in and design a proposal to complete this work. Outline this project and approaches you would use to implement the changes. Indicate any assumptions and limitations (such as number of employees in a division or the structure of a department or the company) as part of the ‘Scope of Work’ in your proposal. (15 marks)
2. Underlying Change Management Concepts – Use models for managing change and your knowledge of change management theory to justify your proposed approach (5 marks)
3. Strengths, Weaknesses and Limitations – Outline the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of your proposal. (5 marks)
Title Page
Executive Summary.
Table of Contents.
1. Proposal
i. Description of the Project
ii. Scope of Work (Costs are not necessary in this assignment)
iii. Key Objective of the Project
iv. Implementation Approach and strategies
v. Overview of a Timeline (table form and brief)
vi. Evaluation
2. Underlying Change Management Concepts
3. Strengths, Weaknesses and Limitations
Assignment tips below:
• The length of your assignment should be 2500 words ± 10% (excluding Executive Summary and reference list)
• Please remember, this is a ‘proposal’ from you to McLeod in terms of how
you intend to approach the particular problem you are addressing. Your proposal is intended to convince (McLeod) that you have the correct approach.
You should attempt to do this by using evidence from the case data / case organisation to substantiate your answers and by effectively drawing on appropriate and relevant literature and theories covered in the course, and gained through further research, to support your ideas.
Your work, in general, will be assessed on the quality of:
1. Your proposal’s approach, analyses, arguments and conclusions.
2. The sources of information you utilised (quality refereed journals / texts)
3. How well you used these resources (use of theory and analysis) in support of your
4. Your referencing skills. You should use at least EIGHT (8) credible scientific
sources, correctly cited and referenced.
The assignment must be submitted online to Turnitin via Blackboard.