Research the McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE:MCD).
Assess the corporate governance and corporate social responsibility of McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE:MCD) using the provided Excel file rating instrument and ALL the provided PDF files as references.
- Integrate the excel rating tool into each governance area as you discuss it.
- In other words, mention the results of the rating tool throughout the paper.
- Include the histogram generated by the Excel spreadsheet as an appendix
- But DO NOT include the completed Excel spreadsheet survey with your report.
In addition to the PDF files given to you, make sure to utilize at least SEVEN more references using the following sources:
- McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE:MCD) own web site
- latest annual report
- proxy report.
- rating agency reports from the GRI, GMI, US SEC EDGAR, the NYSE
- the Wall Street Journal
- The New York Times
- Fortune
- Forbes
- Bloomberg
There should be a total of TEN references.
Make sure the paper is written within the following parameters:
- written in APA format
- double spaced
- in 12-point font (Times New Roman)
- with page numbers,
- a running header,
- a title page
- a list of references
- 7 pages in length (not counting the title page, references, and appendices)
- 10 sources in your reference list
The paper MUST be structured in the following way:
- Introduction:
- Provide a brief background and a thesis:
- Make an argument as to whether the corporate governance of McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE:MCD) is strong, weak, or mixed.
- Make sure your position is stated in the thesis, along with the “key line items” used to develop your position throughout the paper.
- The main sections must be:
- company mission and structure
- ownership and shareholder rights
- board of directors
- code of ethics
- culture
- external governance (government, ratings agencies, etc.)
- Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
- Company Background:
Summarize the company’s background. This summary must include:
- its values, vision, mission, and products
- financial information
- revenues
- Return on Equity
- Return On Investment
- Price Earnings Ratio
- Be brief and relate any background to the topic at hand (governance).
- Do NOT simply copy and paste information from the company web site.
- Summarize and make the information relevant.
- Be sure to provide references properly.
- Provide a list of references at the end of the report.
- Owners And Shareholder Rights And Abilities:
- Refer to the provided Excel file and summarize what the results you received from the Excel file and how it applies to the (2004). PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PDF file reading content.
- Board of directors:
- Refer to the provided Excel file and summarize what the results you received from the Excel file and how it applies to the (2004). PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PDF file reading content.
- Reporting And Transparency
- Refer to the provided Excel file and summarize what the results you received from the Excel file and how it applies to the (2004). PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PDF file reading content.
- External Governance
- Include a look at external mechanisms with which the firm must comply—in particular, regulations controlling its industry; ratings of its credit, governance, and social responsibility by outside agencies; and standards and listing requirements of the stock exchanges to which it belongs; and so forth.
- Mention at least TWO scandals in which McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE:MCD) has been involved that are relevant to an evaluation of its governance. When writing about it, answer the following questions:
- How were they detected?
- How did the firm respond?
- What do they say about its values?
- Corporate Social Responsibility efforts
- Write a brief summary of the kinds of programs that the firm engages in that address
social and environmental issues.
- Then focus on one signature program illustrating Savitz’s notion of the sweet spot and Porter and Kramer’s concept of strategic Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Make sure to research online what exactly Savitz’s notion of the sweet spot and Porter and Kramer’s concept of strategic Corporate Social Responsibility are and provide the reference!
- Conclusion
- Provide a brief summary of your assessment and an elaboration of your thesis.