This is an MSc dissertation proposal Nature of the project Students have the opportunity to conduct and submit a practical based project. The organisational project approach usually entails applying theoretical knowledge to a workplace problem or issue. In investigating workplace issues primary data is gathered, which may be qualitative or quantitative in nature. Throughout, the emphasis is on conducting an analytical investigation and combining literature and data to ascertain the nature of the problem. Particular attention needs to be paid to the reliability and validity of the approaches used. The project may be predominately based on existing published material and statistics. Following the identification of the problem to be investigated, the approach involves an indepth study of the literature, combining synthesis and critical analysis of secondary data. The approach also provides a rigorous evaluation of the methods used, the conclusion drawn and the theories proffered in the literature. The research involved may also be of a primary nature. Instructions: Introduction (Do not exceed 250 words in this section) This should be kept very, very brief and outline what is to be addressed, what the purpose of the proposed research is, and where the research is located (context). Research Questions & Objectives (Do not exceed 250 words in this section) A clearly specified research question providing a focus for the research. The research question should be narrow and deep. One research question is preferred, but a maximum of two may be suitable if the questions are closely related. Objectives should be specified using the SMART or similar criteria. Literature Review (This section should be approx. 1,250 words in length) This should be a mini literature review which seeks to identify the current state of knowledge of the literature in the area within which your research question is located. You should identify key themes, strengths and limitations of existing literature and communicate understanding of where your research fits within this wider context. Methodology (This section should be approx. 1,250 words in length) This section needs to identify the key area areas that a methodology should address. This includes: research philosophy (ontology and epistemology), the research approach, the research strategy, time horizons and the data collection and analysis methods to be adopted. The work also needs to consider issues relating to reliability and validity (or their qualitative equivalents) and ethics. Presentation The work should be professionally presented. Your text should be supported with citations throughout. Citation support and references should be Harvard style. The structure of the work should be logical and clear.