Task Description: • Write a literature review on a topic related to Walsh et al (2015) that I attached. • The literature review should be based on a minimum of 5 articles – At least 3 articles selected from the reference list for Walsh et al (2015). – 2 from other articles. Select and Read 1. Select and evaluate academic sources that are relevant to the topic 2. Critically read the selected articles to understand and make notes on the main points Organise your information 3. Identify a set of similar topics or themes that from the selected articles. You should expect to identify 3 4 main themes. These will form the paragraphs of your literature review 4. Order the themes or topics into a logical progression Structure your writing 1 Introduce the topic of the literature review. Preview the structure of your review by naming the main sections, themes or subtopics that the review will discuss (this section: approximately 150 words) 2 Synthesise information from at least 5 sources: In the body of the review, the information should be organised according to the identified themes. For each theme, write a paragraph (or more) that synthesises the relevant information from across the various sources. Each paragraph should be logically linked to the previous and subsequent paragraphs. Ideas in each paragraphs should be linked with appropriate cohesive devices. (this section: approximately 1100 words) 3 Conclude the review by summarising the main points from the review, and drawing out some overall conclusions (this section: approximately 200 words) Referencing your sources: Intext citations and the reference list must follow the APA style, and all intext citations must include the page number(s) when quoting directly and when paraphrasing an idea from the text. PLEASE NOTE: – At least 3 articles selected from the reference list for Walsh et al (2015). – 2 from other articles.