Life Transitions Within Our Society

Beginning with Unit 5, the students have reviewed literature and engaged in discussions
pertaining to the following topics:
• The decision to marry.
• Starting a family, options to have children.
• Socialization of parenting roles.
• Divorce, remarriage, and stepfamilies.
Based on your choice, answer the following questions:
1. Which of these are important and in which do you have an interest?
2. Do you have personal experience with any of them?
3. Would learning more about a particular topic enhance your professional abilities
as you consider your career?
4. Is there a topic which you would like to specialize in when developing your
You have options for this assignment. You can write a paper, record a video, conduct a
PowerPoint presentation, or other creative product approved by the Instructor to
conduct research and express your views and interests in one of the above-mentioned
Presentation Choice Requirements:
If you choose to write a paper, it should be 4-6 pages in length, including three literature
citations not already assigned to the course to review and be written in APA format.
If submitted, the video should entail 5-10 minutes of recording. Your presentation should
be professional and polished. Dress well, speak clearly, concisely, and minimize
background noises. Keep the camera between you and the light source for you to be
illuminated and seen in the video. You must submit references for your three pieces of
literature not already assigned in the course.
SOC211 – Sociology of Marriage &
Unit 7 Assignment: Life Transitions Within Our Society
PowerPoint presentation should provide no more than ten slides. You will add a title and
reference slide. The content slides should not contain an abundance of words. Rely on
images and bulleted lists. You will add your narrative to the speaker’s notes section on
each slide. They need to be composed as if you are speaking to an audience. You must
include three literature citations not already assigned to the class to review.
If another creative product is approved by the Instructor, the requirements will be
discussed individually with you at the time approval is granted.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before
you write and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 7 Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs
Proficient Exemplary
0 – 10 points 11 – 13 points 14 – 16 points 17 points
Which of these
are important
and in which
do you have an
The importance of
and interest in the
topic are not
addressed or
poorly stated.
The importance of
and interest in the
topic are missing
key details.
The importance of
and interest in the
topic are missing
minor details.
The importance of
and interest in the
topic are well
Do you have
with any of
experience with
any of the topics is
not addressed or
poorly stated.
experience with
any of the topics is
addressed but are
missing key details.
Personal experience
with any of the
topics is addressed
but are missing
minor details.
experience with
any of the topics is
fully and
Would learning
more about a
particular topic
enhance your
abilities as you
consider your
The desire to learn
more about a topic
is not addressed or
is poorly stated.
The desire to learn
more about a topic
is addressed but is
missing key details.
The desire to learn
more about a topic
is addressed but is
missing minor
The desire to learn
more about a topic
is thoughtfully
Is there a topic
which you
would like to
specialize in
Selection of a topic
for specialization is
not addressed or is
poorly stated. Ties
to their professional
goal are not made.
Selection of a topic
for specialization is
addressed but is
missing key details.
Ties to their
professional goal
are stated.
Selection of a topic
for specialization is
addressed but is
missing minor
details. Ties to their
professional goal
are clear.
Selection of a topic
for specialization is
clearly and
addressed. Strong,
direct ties to their
professional goal
are clear.
0 – 5 points 6 – 7 points 8 – 9 points 10 points
Resources Less than two
Two resources. Three resources. More than three
Paper Length,
PowerPoint, or
Video Length
Paper: Less than
three or more than
five pages.
PowerPoint: less
than seven slides.
n/a n/a Paper: More than
four but less than
six pages.
PowerPoint: no
more than ten
Video: less than
five or more than
ten minutes.
Video: More than
five but less than
ten minutes.
0 – 7 points 8 – 9 points 10 – 11 points 12 points
Clear and
Writing and
and APA
Format Followed
Paper: Errors
guidelines not
PowerPoint: Slides
are poorly
constructed (too
many words, not
enough slides to
cover the content
missing speaker’s
notes, missing or
poorly written APA
reference slide).
Video: Professional
lacking. Video too
dark or too bright to
see the presenter.
Spoken words are
not audible. No
references were
Significant errors
that do not impede
PowerPoint: Slides
are missing two of
the following: very
few words, wide
use of bullet lists
and images,
enough slides to
cover the content
speaker’s notes
narrating the
missing or poorly
written APA
reference slide
Video: Presentation
is missing some of
the following:
practiced delivery,
and clear audio.
References may or
may not have been
Paper: Few errors
that do not impede
PowerPoint: Slides
are well constructed,
missing no more
than one of the
following (very few
words, wide use of
bullet lists and
images, enough
slides to cover the
content adequately,
speaker’s notes
narrating the
PowerPoint, missing
or poorly written
APA reference
Video: Professional
presentation. Video
lit well enough to to
see the presenter.
Spoken words are
audible. References
Paper: Writing and
format are clear,
professional, APA
compliant, and
PowerPoint: Slides
are skillfully
constructed (very
few words, wide
use of bullet lists
and images,
enough slides to
cover the content
speaker’s notes
narrating the
missing or poorly
witten APA
reference slide).
Video: Professional
and polished
presentation. Video
video well lit to see
the presenter.
Spoken words are
are clearly audible
with little to no
background noise.