Life-Changing Event Paper

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SWK 510-Reference: — Hutchison, E. (2017). Essentials of human behavior: Integrating Person, Environment, and the Life Course (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, Sage Publications.
To complete the assignment, you will need to focus on a life stage of your development. The purpose of the paper is to apply the knowledge gained in the class to your own developmental process through the interaction of the bio-psycho-social spiritual systems.
The paper should be at least four (not including title page and any reference pages) and double-spaced typed in APA format (see APA guide and grading rubric). The paper should reflect course content. Use at least three scholarly sources. An example will be provided.
The components of the paper will be the following:
• Introduction: Describe the life stage and the importance of it regarding who you have become. You should identify the life crisis (per Erikson, p. 113 in the text) that was or was not resolved.
• Dimensions of Human Behavior: Should identify at least two dimensions of human behavior (Biological, Psychological, Sociological or Spiritual) that we have studied and how they influenced this crisis AND in this stage. Also discuss influences such as:
o Genetic/biological characteristics
o Your nuclear family, parents, and siblings, along with the structure of the family
o Gender role expectations
o Cultural systems (such as religion, class, race/ethnicity)
o Education
o Work experience, (yours or your parents’)
Conclusion: What do you consider to be the most important factors that led to the resolution or lack of resolution of the crisis?
You must use APA style, including double spaced. Be sure to review the grading rubric before you start writing so you include all the required components. This paper is to be written in APA format with appropriate running head, page numbering, title page (which does not count towards the length of the paper), headers/sub-headers, academic citations and references for this paper.

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