Earlier in the course, you were asked to informally evaluate your leadership skills and qualities. In this Final Project, you use formal assessment tools to
identify your areas of strength and areas in which you need further development. You may use the results of this self-assessment to develop a plan to gain
the skills and experiences that will help you move toward achieving your short- and long-term professional goals and objectives.
Using the assessment tools provided in Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, conduct a self-assessment of your own leadership
characteristics, style, and skills. Complete at least four assessment tools for this self-assessment. In addition, select one tool to give to a colleague or
supervisor so he or she can assess your leadership skills.
Final Project (2–4 pages in APA format)
Evaluate your current leadership characteristics, style, and skills based on the assessment tools you and your colleague/supervisor completed. Be sure to:
Include actual results or summaries of the results you collected using these tools
Identify personal leadership strengths as well as areas for improvement
Include references to the leadership concepts covered in this course and relevant issues related to ethics, diversity, and power in the organizational setting