Is the work of Pierre Bourdieu useful for the study of consumption behaviour today? Illustrate your answer with at least three examples.

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Assessment #2: Essay:

The topic I choose is the one below?

1.Is the work of Pierre Bourdieu useful for the study of consumption behaviour today? Illustrate your answer with at least three examples.

Each student is required to research and write a 2,000-word essay that addresses one of the topics blow.

All essays must include at least eight academic sources. These can include required course readings, although at least four of these sources must be from outside the required course reading list. This is in order to allow you to learn how to conduct independent research and use library resources. All references (both academic and non-academic) must be properly cited using Harvard style. Detailed information on this style can be found at

All papers must be doubled-spaced, in 12-point font (preferably Times Roman or something similar), with margins no larger that 1.25 inches (left and right) and 1 inch (top and bottom). Students should put their name, module information, and student number at the top right hand corner (single-spaced). Please note that papers

which fail to meet these standards will lose points. If you are unsure about these formatting and reference requirements please come speak to me at least one week before the essay deadline and I will be happy to help you.

Students will receive a grade based upon how well they meet the following criteria:

  1. Independent research: Demonstrates ability to conduct independent research outside of course materials. Meets minimum research requirements, including relevant academic references that are properly cited.
  2. Theoretical understanding: Demonstrates an understanding of relevant

theories discussed in the module

  1. Argument: Demonstrates ability to put forth a clear, original argument based upon an undertaken analysis. A clear and concise argument

differentiates a mere summary from a critical analysis. In this module we

are interested in developing critical analyses, NOT merely summarizing information.

  1. Writing Style: Demonstrates ability to communicate with the reader in a clear and concise manner through correct grammar, punctuation, and


  1. Presentation: Work meets presentation requirements, including being typed, properly formatted, and meeting length requirements.

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