International Relationship – Regional Report

Region Report

You need to educate me and your classmates about the international relations in some “region of the globe.”  I want you to demonstrate you understand the theories you are reading.

Do not:

  • summarize the region’s history
  • compare and contrast the countries


  • use the region as a small scale example of international relations
  • Use the international relations of the region to demonstrate your understanding of the different theories in IR.


To get a C you have to describe the pattern of international interactions in the region.

To get a B you would have to do the above and use one of the theories  to analyze the International relations in the region.

To get an A you would have to use the region’s politics as a way to compare and contrast two theories.

Some tips

Try to use a theoretical debate to help you pick and choose what information to pack into your 3-5 minutes. I’ll give you a hint. If you start with the history of the region you are on the wrong track; I don’t want a story or a current events review. I want you to analyze the region. Analysis is: a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other. The region is important as an example or case study of IR theory. This link has resources on how to do and use case studies.

Please upload or paste into the  text box at least the reference list. You may upload the whole assignment as well. Or, if you have posted the assignment on line you can provide a link.

Examples of a Region

South America

Central America

North America


Sub Saharan Africa

East Africa

West Africa

Southern Africa (not just South Africa)

South Asia

South East Asia

Middle East

North Asia (Russia-China-Japan)