Order this Paper
• Demonstrate an extensive and detailed knowledge of
the international legal concepts of the free movement
of goods defined in the syllabus
• Critically evaluate the impact of internationalism of
knowledge/technology transfer in reference to
intangible rights
• Apply complex legal rules to a variety of international
contexts across jurisdictional boundaries
• Critically assess the effectiveness of those rules
through extensive research
• Detailed analysis of the relevant case law
Competition Law
It is accepted that once an intellectual property right is exploited by means of a
licence or some equivalent consensual agreement or arrangement, the effect on
trade is properly a matter for competition law. Within the European Union, this is so
whether the attack is upon an agreement or a concerted practice (art 101) or goes to
the acquisition and exercise of market power (art.102). At both the national and
international level, the general issue is likewise conceded.
In light of the above, examine how competition law has regulated intellectual
It should include an introduction, conclusion, appropriate headings,
bibliography, diagrams/graphs where appropriate.
§ The report/article should be typed using double-spacing, using Arial 12.
§ All material must be sourced appropriately.
Other points to note
• All works must follow Academic Honesty Rules and Regulations.
OSCOLA referencing is to be used when any reference is cited.
Course Books
RESIDENTIAL – Michael Porter on Corporate Strategy and Competitiveness
Michael E. Porter on Competition
ISBN: 0875847951
This book is recommended.
[UoS] Advanced Contract Law and Negotiation
Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Contracts, 2012 (by Mark Anderson)
ISBN: 1847667449
This book is recommended.
Effective Negotiation: From Research to Results, 2nd edition (by Ray Fells)
ISBN: 1107605385
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 2012 (by William L. Ury, Roger Fisher, Bruce M. Patton)
ISBN: 1847940935
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
The Art and Science of Negotiation, 978-0674048133 (by Howard Raiffa)
This book is recommended.
[UoS] International Corporate Law and Governance
1: Corporate Governance, 2015 (by Christine Mallin)
ISBN: 9780198718024
Go to website
This book is recommended.
2: Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies, and Practices, 2015 (by R. I. (Bob) Tricker)
ISBN: 9780198702757
Go to website
This book is recommended.
3: Comparative Company Law: A Case-Based Approach, 2013 (by Mathias Siems, David Cabrelli)
ISBN: 1841138916
This book is recommended.
4: Handbook on International Corporate Governance: Country Analyses, 2012 (by Christine A. Mallin)
ISBN: 0857934023
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
5: Progressive Corporate Governance for the 21st Century, 2012 (by Lorraine Talbot)
ISBN: 0415563828
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
6: Critical Company Law, 2008 (by Lorraine Talbot)
ISBN: 1845681134
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
[UoS] International Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property, 9th edition (by David Bainbridge)
ISBN: 1408283239
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This book is recommended.
Working Within the Boundaries of Intellectual Property: Innovation Policy For The Knowledge Soc, 2010 (by Rochelle C. Dreyfuss, Diane L. Zimmerman, Harry First)
ISBN: 0199573603
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
[3.] Intellectual Property and Competition Law: The Innovation Nexus, 2006 (by Gustavo Ghidini)
ISBN: 1845421353
This book is recommended.
[4.] Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 2nd edition (by Tanya Aplin, Jennifer Davis)
ISBN: 978-0199643301
This book is recommended.
[UoS] International Law of the Sale of Goods
International Trade Law, 2009 (by Indira Carr)
ISBN: 0415458439
Search in SOLAR
This book is recommended.
Law of International Trade, 5th edition (by Jason Chuah)
ISBN: 0414023250
This book is recommended.
Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade, 12th edition (by Carole Murray, David Holloway, Daren Timson-Hunt)
ISBN: 0414046072
This book is recommended.
The Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea, 2011 (by Lachmi Singh)
ISBN: 1847667031
This book is recommended.