Term Project: As a term project you will choose a chapter from the book “Handbook of Health Economics Volume 2” and write a brief summary of it. In the Handbook of Health Economics, you will find well written literature reviews on different topics in health care economics research. I expect each student to write a very brief summary of his/her chapter. I expect summaries to be around 8001000 words long and strictly no longer than 1200 words. While it is not easy to summarize the whole research literature on a topic in 1000 words, I don’t expect you to summarize everything mentioned in that chapter, but want you to present your friends major findings and policy suggestions in that topic of health care research. More specifically I expect you to include: (i) Major research questions studied so far in the literature (ii) Major findings out of the literature on that topic. (If the literature has mixed evidence and inconclusive about a specific research question I expect you to mention that also) (iii) Implications of these results for health care markets (iv) Policy suggestions from the literature if there are any You will share your summary with your friends. In this way, you will have a chance to briefly cover results from research literature on health care, which will enhance your knowledge on top of the material we cover using the textbook. Please check out the website below and discuss with me which chapter you want to choose before the end of third week so that you can have enough time to read and finalize your term project on time. You can check contents, choose and purchase “Handbook of Health Economics” chapters at this link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/handbooks/15740064