Information Systems

A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student records. In order to move forward, the local university will need to develop a data model that will retain student records and perform various data extract transform and load (ETL) processes. Imagine that you have been hired as a database consultant to assist in the development of a data design strategy for the student records.

You met with various university subject matter experts and have determined the following after performing various business analysis processes:

Faculty groups are divided by core competencies that the university offers. For example, there are groups such as the art faculty, computer technology faculty, language faculty, and science faculty. Each faculty member has an assigned dean and is designated to teach at one particular campus and school. They are able to teach as many courses as required.
Courses are categorized by course code and title. Certain courses have prerequisites and the university has asked for this to be cataloged as well.
There are various schools within each campus. For example, the Los Angeles campus holds the following schools: School of Science, School of Law, and School of Computer Technology. Additionally, each school offers different professional study programs, such as Forensic Computer Science, Marine Biology, Business Management, and Civil Engineering, to name a few.
The study path for students requires that they be enrolled in a specific professional study program. The professional study program requires the students to complete a specific set of core courses. The university also requires that an online grade book be available. The online grade book should show grades awarded to students for specific courses and the term they completed the course.
The university identifies each student by their name, date of birth, social, and professional study program.
Using these findings, write a 3–4 page paper in which you:

Analyze the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements. The proposal should include the following:
Provide an entity relationship model (ERM) that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Describe any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course, or students can only be enrolled in one program.
Create the primary key and foreign keys using a UML class diagram for each table.
Suggest at least four types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Support your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could be used for to assist executives of the university.
Consider outsourcing the functions above as an alternative for development of the database. Research the Internet and other media sources for vendors who develop registrar and school management database systems.
Suggest three vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and support your reasons to choose from one of these three vendors.
Compare and contrast the key aspects that each system offers. Examples of system aspects include but are not limited to cloud based, pricing model, open source, et cetera.
Go to the Strayer Library to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Include charts or diagrams created in any chart or drawing tool with which you are familiar. The completed diagrams or charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Propose a database design.
Week 4 Assignment – University DatabaseWeek 4 Assignment – University DatabaseCriteriaRatingsPtsAnalyze the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Provide an entity relationship model (ERM) that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements.view longer description10 to >8.99 ptsExemplaryThoroughly analyzed the university’s requirements and provided a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Provided an ERM that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements.8.99 to >7.99 ptsCompetent
(80-89%)Satisfactorily analyzed the university’s requirements and provided a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Provided an ERM that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements.7.99 to >6.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially analyzed the university’s requirements and provided a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Provided an ERM that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements.6.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or incompletely analyzed the university’s requirements and provided a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Provided an ERM that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements. / 10 ptsAnalyze the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Describe any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course, or students can only be enrolled in one program.view longer description10 to >8.99 ptsExemplaryThoroughly analyzed the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Described any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course, or students can only be enrolled in one program.8.99 to >7.99 ptsCompetentSatisfactorily analyzed the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Described any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course, or students can only be enrolled in one program.7.99 to >6.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially analyzed the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Described any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course, or students can only be enrolled in one program.6.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or incompletely analyzed the university’s requirements and provided a proposal to organize all the required data elements: Described any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course, or students can only be enrolled in one program / 10 ptsCreate the primary key and foreign keys using a UML class diagram for each table.view longer description15 to >13.49 ptsExemplaryThoroughly created the primary key and foreign keys using a UML class diagram for each table.13.49 to >11.99 ptsCompetentSatisfactorily created the primary key and foreign keys using a UML class diagram for each table.11.99 to >10.49 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially created the primary key and foreign keys using a UML class diagram for each table.10.49 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or incompletely created the primary key and foreign keys using a UML class diagram for each table. / 15 ptsSuggest at least four types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Support your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could assist executives of the university.view longer description20 to >17.99 ptsExemplaryThoroughly suggested at least four types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Supported your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could assist executives of the university.17.99 to >15.99 ptsCompetentSatisfactorily suggested at least four types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Supported your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could assist executives of the university.15.99 to >13.99 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially suggested at least four types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Partially supported your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could assist executives of the university.13.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or incompletely suggested at least four types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Did not support your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could assist executives of the university. / 20 ptsSuggest three vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and support your reasons to choose from one of these three vendors.view longer description15 to >13.49 ptsExemplaryThoroughly suggested three vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and supported your reasons to choose from one of these three vendors.13.49 to >11.99 ptsCompetentSatisfactorily suggested three vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and supported your reasons to choose from one of these three vendors.11.99 to >10.49 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially suggested three vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and partially supported your reasons to choose from one of these three vendors.10.49 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or incompletely suggested three vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and did not support your reasons to choose from one of these three vendors. / 15 ptsCompare and contrast the key aspects that each system offers.view longer description15 to >13.49 ptsExemplaryThoroughly compared and contrasted the key aspects that each system offers.13.49 to >11.99 ptsCompetentSatisfactorily compared and contrasted the key aspects that each system offers.11.99 to >10.49 ptsNeeds ImprovementPartially compared and contrasted the key aspects that each system offers.10.49 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not submit or incompletely compared and contrasted the key aspects that each system offers. / 15 ptsProvide three references.view longer description5 to >4.49 ptsExemplaryExceeded the required number of references; all references were high-quality choices.4.49 to >3.99 ptsCompetentMet the required number of references; all references were high-quality choices.3.99 to >3.49 ptsNeeds ImprovementDid not meet the required number of references; some references were poor-quality choices.3.49 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo references provided. / 5 ptsClarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.view longer description10 to >8.99 ptsExemplary0–2 errors present.8.99 to >7.99 ptsCompetent3–4 errors present.7.99 to >6.99 ptsNeeds Improvement5–6 errors present.6.99 to >0 ptsUnacceptableMore than 6 errors present. / 10 pts