Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management (BBA):

Individual Assignment – Week 4 (5%)

Children’s Aid Society (CAS) is a non-profit organization that provides protective services to children up to 16 years of age. The organization’s mission is “To provide social services that protect children and strengthen family life.” Their values include: human dignity, the courage and integrity to take a stand, partnership & teamwork, cultural, racial & individual differences, and professional excellence. CAS has 360 volunteers and 660 employees currently serving thousands of children and their families.

You have been asked by the Director of Human Resources to create a situationally-based interview questionnaire, minimum 10 questions, that can be scored using a behaviourally-anchored rating scale using the following steps as a guide. You are also encouraged to use whatever resources believe are necessary to create a detailed interview questionnaire.

1. Using the job description for the Child Protection Worker created in your week 3 assignment and identify key knowledge, skills and abilities needed by applicants to be successful in this job.

2. For each key knowledge, skill and/or ability, create questions containing a hypothetical situation that someone in this job could encounter

3. Create a five-point rating scale for each question that will help you score candidate answers. Each rating-scale should be numbered from 1 – (poor), to 5 – (excellent) with examples of appropriate answers next to each number (see example below).

Below is a sample question related to the Child Protection Worker job description duty to “ Intervene with families to prevent situations of child neglect and abuse”

Q: You received a late-night phone call from a panicked 16-year-old child, who is from one of your client families, who says that she is scared because her parents are fighting. How would you go about dealing with this situation?


Examples of Answers

Interviewer Comments

5 – Excellent

Tell the child to call 911. Investigate the incident by going to the family residence, along with the police, to determine the facts and act in accordance with the relevant laws, and CAS procedures.

4 – Very Good

(Inserting an answer here is optional)

3 – Satisfactory

Call the police, tell the child to stay on the phone with you until the police arrive, and follow up with the family and the police the following morning.

2 – Unsatisfactory

(Inserting an answer here is optional)

1 – Poor

Ignore the report.

Students may be asked to present the extent of their work in class. Presentations will not be graded, only the written submissions (unless otherwise noted).

Submit this document electronically via SLATE email before next class. Also note, as per School of Business guidelines, an assignment that is turned in late without approval by the instructor will receive a penalty of 10% per day. After three academic days any assignment not handed in will not be accepted. Please include your names and student numbers on this document.